| Answers 1. The activity that increased my heart rate the most was running because I was doing a physical activities and working hard. 2. The activity that increased the least was laying down because I was not doing a physical activity, I was relaxing. 3. They were in order because each time I did something that involved more physical activity then the other. 4.The changes I noticed were that the heart rate kept going up as each activity got harder and needed the heart to beat faster. 5. I think the heart rate changed as I got more active because as I worked harder the heart had to pump more blood which made it have to beat faster. |
The thing that was really fun about this activity was that we got to use stethoscope to measure the heart rate. I also like that we got to see what different activity made the heart beat faster. The thing that was hard about this activity was that we had count the beats of that the heart made which was hard because I couldn't keep up with the beats it made. I learned lots of things from this activity such as, how the heart works, how the blood makes it pump/beat, and how different activity's makes the heart pump faster or slower.