So when you move your magnate the attendance people will know what lunch you are getting. And to know if you are here. If you did not move your magnet the lunch attendant people would not know if your are here or what lunch you are getting. That can cause some problems. A tip is when you come in the morning please move your magnet. Then do your other responsibilities.
When we are doing an activity that we don't usually do or won't do again, like the cardboard challenge or a lit circles with a mini-lesson, we record them with the IPad. Sometimes, when we have a substitute, we record the whole day so he sees our behavior. All you have to do is press the record button at the beginning of the lesson and press it again at the end.
This job, which mostly benefits Mr. Solarz, is important because he uses it as an example. When he does presentations about his student-led classroom, the videos we record help him explain different parts of the day. When we have a sub, the videos help him monitor our behavior to determine if we earned degrees. sometimes people are absent (it happens o the best of us) and we need to help them with there job. also the jobs take a little bit more work than usual and we help them then your done its that simple and very helpful if we don't do it some people may become frustrated and overwhelmed so we need to help people out when we get the chance Taking photos is very easy. You grab the camera, turn it on and take a picture. Make sure that the photos aren't blurry. You can do this by not taking photo while moving the camera and don't take pictures of people running. Finally when you are done turn the camera off and put it back were you got. Taking photos is important because if we didn't people wouldn't be able to see all cool things we do. Also if you don't it right none of the pictures will good and we won't have any to onto the daily photo journal.
This responsibility is quite simple. All you do is notice something in your book that is not a signpost and ask your teacher to add it to the list of signposts! You need to come up with a question to ask when you make a new signpost. For example, when your character is having competing emotions, and there is no signpost for it, then you create one and share to the class what is is, how you ask it, and an example from your book of the signpost. You should talk sort of loud when you announce this so all of your peers will be able to hear you. You should try to do this because it makes your classroom more student-led and will make you feel more confident in yourself. If this job did not happen, then when we run out of the original signposts, we won't be able to make more videos! It also won't help encourage peers to be creative and look for things in their books. Once you do a signpost, I have noticed that others have started to do it more, so it inspires creativity. It would also make more work for your teacher to come up with a new way to do videos! This also will make you proud that you actually made your very own signpost!
We have 11 periods to do our passion time projects and we have a sign with a little clip on it. Every passion time period we have to move the clip which we for some reason call the magnet. Once you move the magnet it is helpful to write on the board that you moved it because otherwise people might come in from math and ask if anyone has moved the magnet. It gets old fast having to say that we have moved the magnet because like half of the class asks so remember to write on the board.
Moving the passion time magnet is important because if we didn't we would never know how many passion periods we have left. This could be bad because we may think we still have four periods left when it is really the deadline. Moving the passion time magnet is very important because it helps us with our time managment during passion time. The responsibility of writing important announcements on the board is not needed or required, but can be helpful. You can write almost anything on the board, as long as it is out of the way. Writing announcements on the top, sides or bottom of the white board is totally fine. Just grab a dry erase marker and then write your note, (don't write in complete sentences, as it takes up more room, and is just a note). Some things you could write would be permission slips to turn in, how many jobs weren't done, chairs that weren't stacked, or websites to check out that are concerning class parties, or things we are setting up at the park after school. But if you are going to write something on the board don't do it during a lesson, test or Rearjmcl; (only do this during Rearjmcl if it involves what is happening, if it doesn't wait until it is pack up time). Writing important announcements on the board is important to our classroom because without it we might forget more stuff. Maybe less kids would remember to turn in permission slips or we would forget to evaluate our behavior with substitute teachers. This classroom responsibility is important because without it we could forget how many chairs had to be stacked or how many jobs weren't done.
This responsibility is not hard to do at all, you just have to remember to do it. So during our end of the day ritual, (REARJMCL) when the announcer says do your jobs, get your mail, stack your chairs, reset the room and line up. You will go shut down all of the computers. You probably know how to do it, you just click on the apple sign on the top left of the computer. Next, go to the bottom of the bar the comes up, and hit shut down. There will be a pop up that says, are you sure you want to shut down your computer, you just hit yes or enter and the computer will be shut down. Make sure to do every desktop in the room, after that your responsibility is done. This responsibility is very important because this counts as kind of half of a job so if you don't do it is one job not done on the checklist. I would say a goal for this job is try not to be reminded or try do be the one who tells somebody to do it or the kid in the class who does it. This is a huge responsibility and if you don't do it you will get a negative on the checklist. One trick of doing this is ask some of your friends to help you so it will get done quicker and try to make it go by fast so once it is done, it is done. This classroom responsibility of answering the phone is very important in our classroom. It is pretty much answering the phone, and if it is a message for somebody, tell them. If the caller wants to speak with a certain person, you do a give-me-five and say the person's name and say the phone is for them. There is also not any specific person who answers the phone, usually the person closest to the phone picks it up.
This responsibility is important because it can get important information to people. Let's say that the office calls to tell a specific person that their mom is not taking them home so they will have to walk home. If that student didn't get that information, he or she would probably be freaked out that their mom is not at school yet picking them up. The phone could also be to announce that you are going home for lunch. If you did not come home for lunch, your parent(s) would be scared that something happened to you. You also would not know what to do because you don't have a lunch. A tip to make this job more successful is to not rush to pick up the phone. Don't make it into a game to see who can pick up the phone first. Previously this year, i've seen people literally run to the phone. This could give away our right to pick up the phone.
Making Posters For Websites. E.G. Making a Poster For The Brain Pop Password and Username - Russell4/21/2016 This responsibility is to make posters for websites. Some tips when doing this are to make sure you write nice and big. You want to write nice and big because other people can't read small letters from far far away. You also want to label at the top what website you are doing the poster on. When making the posters make sure you write with a black marker and don't use black paper. The things that you should put on the poster are the website URL and the (username and password if the website has one.) This job is very important to our classroom because it has a lot of the info that we need every day. If we did not have this it would be hard to remember things E.G. password and usernames.
When making sure people are on task you must first make sure that they are actually off task. It is easy to mistake a cool looking site or drawing for being off task. If they aren't off task then you don't want to disrupt their work. If they are then you should politely remind them to be on task. If they aren't on task and you disrupt them then say sorry and don't make excuses. Also making sure other people are on task sometimes makes you off task so check quickly and get back to it. This is perhaps one of the most important responsibilities that our class has is this. If someone is off task they are probably not getting any work done and if no one is getting any work done than... well it wouldn't be good at all. No work done is very bad so we need to always make sure people are on task. When you have this responsibility in the classroom you have to look at the classroom computers and see what is wrong with them, for example there was a charger stuck to the inside of one before. (THAT IS BAD!!!!) When you see something wrong with them do a Give-Me-Five and tell the class that they have to do better taking care of the classroom computers. Also, when you have this responsibility you have to always look at the computers and iPads not just one. Every once in a while if the person that takes care of the iPads as there job does not untangle the coards that are plugged in you should do that. This jobs is really simple if you remember to check all of the computers every once and a while. Some tips for this job are... to always check when ever you get a chance to. Another tip is, whenever you see anything wrong with them do a Give-Me-Five and say that the class needs to work on putting the computers away nicely. This responsibility is important because if we did not take care of the classroom computers a lot of things can happen. For example, the classroom computers could be in the cart and the cart computers could be in the classroom computer spots. This would be bad because if someone needed something on one of the computers that we have from the cart they would have to look all around for the computer and they would probably waste all of their time with the computers. Also, if this happened we would probably get in trouble for not putting the computers in the correct spots. I hope you can now you can see that is we did not do good at this responsibility the whole school would probably be running around and looking for a certain computer. If no one noticed that the computers were gone we would have a big problem because if another class took some of our computers and we did not notice and saw that one of the classroom computers were missing they could put one of the carts computers in our holder and the person that has the cart will have to look around for tat computer for a while.
Writing the daily goal on the small white board, and then putting it in the hallway. Stephen4/8/2016 We Have to right a goal on small white board everyday during REARGMCL to remind us the next day what we have to work on. You are allowed to do any design on the little white board as long as it is visible. In the morning a person stands at the during holding the white board telling you what the goal. This goal is very important to our class room because we all need to know what we have to work on for the day so that we do good on our checklist. This responsibility is also important to our classroom because the morning greeter would not be able to tell everyone what the goal is so that we can work on it. If this job did not get done we would not know what to work on during the day and we would not do good on the checklist. Another thing that would happen if this job did not get done is that we might have to get a consequence because we would not know what goal to work on. Some ways that you can do this got well is to make sure that everyone is able to see what the goal is but there is still a cool design. A couple other things about this job is that you want to let some other people write on the white board because you want to let other kids do the responsibility and not just have you doing everyday.
Lit Circles During Literature Circles we all have to make two videos a day, (That is what you are supposed to have but sometimes its okay if you have one, but not usually.) When you make a video before we start you have to decide on what type of video it will be (e.g. Signpost, Character Counts, Seven Habits or one that we made when it came up in our book. You have to fill in the chart then with the marker. I suggest picking what type of video you are doing first then having one person go fill it in. You also would want to do a gimmie-five if we ran out of something. Like gimmie-five gimmie-five, we are all out of Milestones. I wouldn't suggest doing a gimmie-five if there is one or two left because then everyone rushes to do the video that is almost out. So two second later there is none left. After you finish the discussion you want to have someone upload it to Youtube. I suggest only one so the others can start reading again but its up to you. When you are filling in the boxes you have to remember to tag it lit circle discussions so Mr. Solarz can find it and because it is hidden in the bottom right corner. Then for the title the title is the video discussion then the problem, or question, or good thing. (e.g. Milestone, Jake found his family again.) For the Description it is the book you are reading and the students numbers that are in your group (e.g. Justin Case 2, 4.) If we didn't do this responsibility it would not be good because then if Mr. Solarz wanted to watch our videos he would have no clue where to find them. Because we wouldn't have it in the lit circle discussions folder, and it wouldn't have a title or a description. So there would be no point in making a video if we don't even have a title , description, or a tag on it. If we didn't fill in the chart we could be cheating because we wouldn't know if we had done to many video's of one type. Then the chart would be blank and we wouldn't be making new discussion types either. So when a visiter came into our room and asked about lit circles we would be lying because we didn't do that stuff that we are REQUIRED to do.
Erasing The Board This responsibility is when you erase the board after each transition. You have to do a give-me-five each time before you actually go ahead and do it because, like recap, some kids may still be writing down what is on the board. Also after recap, during evaluate, it is extra important to do a give-me-five because Ms. Warren has to say yes to erase the board because she has to look it over. When you are doing this responsibility it actually quite important because if you didn't do this then Mr. Solarz will have to erase it. Or worse he will have to write over it! You are going to want to erase it really thoroughly because if you don't there will be little black marks of non-erased white board marks. This job is important to our classroom because without it the board would never get erased and that would be bad because (as I said before) there will be little black marks everywhere all over the board that didn't get erased. Also if the board didn't get erased, our white board would look really bad and wouldn't be white like it is supposed to be. The color that it would be is black. It wouldn't be a pretty color.
This responsibility is extremely important because if someones job doesn't get done, then we get points off from the checklist and nobody wants points of the checklist! For this responsibility, you have to make sure that everyone does their job so we don't get points off and you have to make sure that if anybody needs any help doing their job, you have to help them because it isn't nice if you don't help someone when they need it. Also, if the person doesn't want any help then jut be nice and say OK.
Some tips and tricks that you should remember while doing this very important responsibility is to make sure that you always need to be nice because it is nice to be nice. You also need to make sure that the persons job is actually done before doing it because if it is already done, the person might not want anyone else to do it again. Writing the daily goal down for us to work on., " Work on evaluating subs." (EVERY DAY.) - Ben4/8/2016 This responsibility is very important is because if we didn't write the goal down everyone would forget the goal and we wouldn't follow it the next day. If we never followed are goal we would never improve on it and we would never get better. This also helps us with remembering the goal like I said earlier and without remembering it, well lets just say that wouldn't be good. This responsibility helps the class for goal setting, and this job always has to be done when we are deciding the daily goal during evaluate. This responsibility is done everyday and we can switch off doing it. This is very important because helps us remember, decide, and follow these goals every day. Also it is not just a one day goal, we should follow all of the recent goals and have them written down. Some tips about this job is do NOT make big bullets or else it will bled through. Another thing is we will still write the goal down even during speedy REARJMCL because we always need a goal for the next day. That is what is very important about this responsibility.
If we didn't do this we would never follow the goal because no one would remember it. And if we didn't remember are goal, we would never follow it, and if we never followed our goal we would never grow as leaders. So basically if we didn't write down the goal everyday (With the exception of speedy, speedy REARJMCL.) We would never follow it. So writing the goal, down is very important and without, well you have already heard the consequences of it. To make this job more successful we could have the goal labeled for what day we wrote it and have who wrote it so the same person isn't doing it over and over again so other kids can get a turn. Paragraph 1: Write a very clear summary of this responsibility that we all share and any hints, tips, or tricks for doing it well. Paragraph 2: Explain why this job is important to our classroom and what might happen if we didn't do it. Paragraph 3: (Optional) Share any ideas you have that could make this task even more successful. Here is the link to the Google Spreadsheet:
If you remember that It's a Wednesday and that we need to start a new spelling list you should tell Mr.Solarz to activate a new one. Remember that Mr.Solarz Doesn't like interruptions so don't tell him to activate the new list why'll he's talking to someone.
If Mr.Solarz forgets we might not be able to do spelling and our grades could go down a lot. We could not learn how to spell words correctly. We could not improve our spelling skills. Possibly get into less than we deserve classes at South. |
Collaborative Responsibilities
In our classroom, we all share the responsibility for its operation. Although some jobs are assigned, most jobs are shared by everyone and are done by whomever thinks of doing it first. This blog is a list of many of those responsibilities. Archives
May 2016
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