Erasing The Board
This responsibility is when you erase the board after each transition. You have to do a give-me-five each time before you actually go ahead and do it because, like recap, some kids may still be writing down what is on the board. Also after recap, during evaluate, it is extra important to do a give-me-five because Ms. Warren has to say yes to erase the board because she has to look it over. When you are doing this responsibility it actually quite important because if you didn't do this then Mr. Solarz will have to erase it. Or worse he will have to write over it! You are going to want to erase it really thoroughly because if you don't there will be little black marks of non-erased white board marks.
This job is important to our classroom because without it the board would never get erased and that would be bad because (as I said before) there will be little black marks everywhere all over the board that didn't get erased. Also if the board didn't get erased, our white board would look really bad and wouldn't be white like it is supposed to be. The color that it would be is black. It wouldn't be a pretty color.
This job is important to our classroom because without it the board would never get erased and that would be bad because (as I said before) there will be little black marks everywhere all over the board that didn't get erased. Also if the board didn't get erased, our white board would look really bad and wouldn't be white like it is supposed to be. The color that it would be is black. It wouldn't be a pretty color.
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