When you have this responsibility in the classroom you have to look at the classroom computers and see what is wrong with them, for example there was a charger stuck to the inside of one before. (THAT IS BAD!!!!) When you see something wrong with them do a Give-Me-Five and tell the class that they have to do better taking care of the classroom computers. Also, when you have this responsibility you have to always look at the computers and iPads not just one. Every once in a while if the person that takes care of the iPads as there job does not untangle the coards that are plugged in you should do that. This jobs is really simple if you remember to check all of the computers every once and a while. Some tips for this job are... to always check when ever you get a chance to. Another tip is, whenever you see anything wrong with them do a Give-Me-Five and say that the class needs to work on putting the computers away nicely.
This responsibility is important because if we did not take care of the classroom computers a lot of things can happen. For example, the classroom computers could be in the cart and the cart computers could be in the classroom computer spots. This would be bad because if someone needed something on one of the computers that we have from the cart they would have to look all around for the computer and they would probably waste all of their time with the computers. Also, if this happened we would probably get in trouble for not putting the computers in the correct spots. I hope you can now you can see that is we did not do good at this responsibility the whole school would probably be running around and looking for a certain computer. If no one noticed that the computers were gone we would have a big problem because if another class took some of our computers and we did not notice and saw that one of the classroom computers were missing they could put one of the carts computers in our holder and the person that has the cart will have to look around for tat computer for a while.
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