When making sure people are on task you must first make sure that they are actually off task. It is easy to mistake a cool looking site or drawing for being off task. If they aren't off task then you don't want to disrupt their work. If they are then you should politely remind them to be on task. If they aren't on task and you disrupt them then say sorry and don't make excuses. Also making sure other people are on task sometimes makes you off task so check quickly and get back to it.
This is perhaps one of the most important responsibilities that our class has is this. If someone is off task they are probably not getting any work done and if no one is getting any work done than... well it wouldn't be good at all. No work done is very bad so we need to always make sure people are on task.
This is perhaps one of the most important responsibilities that our class has is this. If someone is off task they are probably not getting any work done and if no one is getting any work done than... well it wouldn't be good at all. No work done is very bad so we need to always make sure people are on task.