This responsibility is not hard to do at all, you just have to remember to do it. So during our end of the day ritual, (REARJMCL) when the announcer says do your jobs, get your mail, stack your chairs, reset the room and line up. You will go shut down all of the computers. You probably know how to do it, you just click on the apple sign on the top left of the computer. Next, go to the bottom of the bar the comes up, and hit shut down. There will be a pop up that says, are you sure you want to shut down your computer, you just hit yes or enter and the computer will be shut down. Make sure to do every desktop in the room, after that your responsibility is done.
This responsibility is very important because this counts as kind of half of a job so if you don't do it is one job not done on the checklist. I would say a goal for this job is try not to be reminded or try do be the one who tells somebody to do it or the kid in the class who does it. This is a huge responsibility and if you don't do it you will get a negative on the checklist.
One trick of doing this is ask some of your friends to help you so it will get done quicker and try to make it go by fast so once it is done, it is done.
This responsibility is very important because this counts as kind of half of a job so if you don't do it is one job not done on the checklist. I would say a goal for this job is try not to be reminded or try do be the one who tells somebody to do it or the kid in the class who does it. This is a huge responsibility and if you don't do it you will get a negative on the checklist.
One trick of doing this is ask some of your friends to help you so it will get done quicker and try to make it go by fast so once it is done, it is done.