1. What did you think of this book? What did you like and what did you dislike? I liked that Jessie was so kind to send a ticket to her Grandma and I loved how lace was a big thing in this book because when Jessie made pockets and collars for people it probably made their day! I didn't really like that we didn't get to read about how the wedding went! 2. This was historical fiction. What do you like about historical fiction and what don't you like? I love historical fiction because it's like we are living through their life! I don't really don't like that sometimes the story can get boring! 3. When the book ended, what were you thinking about? What are you still wondering or wish you'd know more about? Why do you want to know? I wanted to know how the wedding went! It must how been so beautiful!
| Stop and Jots:
The hardest part of this project was getting the cards in the right place. Like the solar panel card. My group had trouble with that card. Same with the erupting volcano card. The easiest part was reading the reference book. I liked that part. We got to talk about some of the different types of energy. I liked the bat card because I never knew echo location was a energy. My group was nice and we got along fine. We helped each other and it was nice to talk about the subject. It was a fun lesson.