| 1.My favorite station was the electric ball because it was strange. It is weird to figure out that if you hold a little ball on some metal pieces that it will light up and make noise. It was interesting how if you held one part and your partner held the other and then if one of you touched each other it would light. 2. The drinking bird was hardest for me because it was strange how everything has to be so precise and the liquid going to the head. The air had to move at the right moment for every thing to do what they need to do and drink. 3.I thought the frogs, the cars, and the spinning light was easiest. The cars are what I pick because they are so easy how the elastic turns to motion in one movement. It has to be elastic because elastic is were its stretched like a rubber band. 4. It was not easy to see all energy transfers like the drinking bird or the energy ball. 5.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10_KQzXOEzA This is Madi and Hasinan.(Sorry for spelling.) They helped me with the drinking bird. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWALfq8pJik This is Hanna and Tucker who did the Magic Bracelet. |
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