We did a activity where we did things like walking then measured our heartbeat. In the activity I learned that your heartbeat takes a minute to slow down and that's why we could do this experiment. The most fun part about this was the part of moving around. It was just fun to spin and circles and jump at the same time and then check your heart rate. The hardest part was making sure to keep up with the beats per second. It hard because especially the jumping it went really fast and there was the 2 beats that was actually one so you needed to keep track.
| 1.The jumping and spinning at the same time. 2.Standing. 3. I was really surprised standing was so low and sitting was so big. I think that was accurate but something was wrong. 4. It went faster and more confusing. It was hard to keep up and then all of a sudden slow down. 5. Well when you pump blood it goes every where and the blood makes you move.(Technically not because it gives oxygen to your muscles.) The heart has to make more blood to get every where so it beats faster. |