| 1. My superheros are my parents. They are my parents because my parents have confidence in me and always tell me to go to the next level whether it's hard or not. 2. I am a superhero to my sister because I always am having empathy for her and always try to pick her up when she is feeling down. 3. One super power I have is caring and using my manners when I know I should. These are super powers because these are things I have talent in. 4. I can use these powers for good because the powers I have are mostly for the better good in me and in others to. 5. Some of my weaknesses are always putting school first before friends and hanging out. This is hard because I love hanging out with my friends. 6. I am going to ensure they leave feeling better by telling them there strengths and their weaknesses and give them a smile on their face before they leave. |
To be a guidance consular you need to have empathy. You need to have patients. You need to let the kids struggle to find there way. You will also need to have kindness within you. Kindness is the real global warming. Superheros are important to me and all of us, we need superheros to guide us on the right path in the time when we struggle. Some superpowers you need to have is empathy, kindness, and patients. You will also need self esteem. Comparison is the thief of joy. The more kindness we show, the kinder we become. Fun is your ticket to engagement.