Notes: There are over 1500 active volcanoes in the world today. Two countries are are using Geothermal energy and in Japan a volcano just went off with out a warning. A lava flow is flowing in Hawaii from a volcano and it is about to take over some homes.
Some facts I learned about Joseph Ofallon is that he is a Irish men. His occupation was that he was a trapper. A trapper is someone who doesn't trap animals but he skins them to just get the fur.
K: I know that the cheetah is the one of the fastest animals. | W: I want to know if the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. | H: I will find out by books, background knowledge, and internet. |
L: I learned that some of the fastest animals are some of the deadliest animals like the Lion. | A: I will start to pay attention to what is about to be come extinct and see if there is any possible way to help. | Q: How do the animals get the speed they have like the cheetah and the lion. |
| I. learned that there are a lot of similarities and not that many differences between them. Did you know that all the angles of them both of them are 90º(right angles). 2. I learned that the all the sides of each shapes are parallel. Also that all the sides are straight. 3. The most valuable resource that we used was our background knowledge. It was our most valuable resource because we new a lot about these two shapes. Also it saved us some time by not researching and just typing. |
Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.
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