- Needs 100,000,000's of dollars
- needs signatures to qualify
- needs to be born in usa
- needs to be 35
john adams
- was born 1735
- used words out loud and on paper
- said permanent freedom
- federalists and democratic republicans
- about to go to war but then stopped
- helped in the american revolution
- before you could run for as long as you wanted
1.what is the most important thing that kids and adults do
You should be kind to each other so when you grow up you'll do the same thing and have fewer problems and stop fights. That way you can be nice and tech your kids so that it will keep happening over and over again.
2. why do you think Obama gave that as his answer
Because of the adults right now.
3.kids can change the world. adults can change the world. It,ll go faster if we all work together. Whats one way I can change the world.
By collecting and then donating money.