- 2012 the population of the world was 7050000000
- 11 countries have over 100 people
- China by itself is over one billion
- China and India are the two most big population wise
- India has over 1200000000
- This page was mainly about how many people live in this world, the world has a big population.
- 60 from asia
- 15 from Africa
- 11 from Europe
- 5 from Canada and US
- 8 from South America
- 1 from Oceania
- More than half of the people in the global village come from 6 of the most populated countries
- This page explains the different people from nationalities, and were the people come from to make up a village
- There are almost 6,000 languages in our world
- 21 speak chinese
- 9 speak Hindi
- 9 speak English
- 7 speak Spanish
- 4 speak Bengali
- 4 speak Arabic
- 3 speak Portuguese
- 3 speak Russian
- But the people speak only eight languages.
- This page showed the differences in language and people only speak 8 languages with the total amount of 100 people.
- 9 children under age 5
- 10 are between 5 and 9
- 18 are between 10 and 19
- 17 are between 20 and 29
- 15 are between 30 and 39
- 12 are between 40 and 49
- 9 are between 50 and 59
- 6 are between 60 and 69
- 3 are between 70 and 79
- 1 is over 79
- The village is slowly getting larger
- Other countries are getting smaller because their population are losing population
- By 2050 there may be as many as 16
- The village shows the ages of people and what age covers up most of the village, but people are getting older living a longer life and other countries are losing population while others are gaining population.
- 33 are Christians
- 22 are Muslims
- 15 don't have a religion
- 5 are Buddhists
- 2 belong to other global religions
- 9 practice folk religions
- A hundred years ago there were 12 Muslims
- As the population grows the more the religions grow and become more popular, many different people have different religions.
- 31 are sheep and goats
- 23 cows bulls and oxans
- 15 pigs
- 3 camels
- 2 horses
- 700 chicken - that means there are more chickens than people
- There is no shortage of food, if only the food was divided but it isn’t
- 30 people in the village don’t get to rely on a reliable source
- 17 people are dying because they are always hungry
- 53 villagers are food secure
- The village has enough food for everyone even though not everyone gets enough food, people are starving and dying with so much food that is wasted by others.
- The water is clean in the village
- But, there is a bad part of the village were there there is bad pollution and air
- 87 have clean and healthy water
- 13 other people have to go get clean water and walk far
- Normally women and daughter go fetch the water
- 62 of the villagers have public sewage
- 38 have to go out in an outhouse or out in the woods
- 68 breathe clean air
- 32 do not which leads to lung cancer
- Some part of the village has clean water and air were people can breathe and drink, even though part of the village people do not get to do these things, with bad air pollution people die from lung cancer and if you have bad water you can get sick.
- For some children they can not go to school to help around the house for their families
- Or they can not go because they are poor
- Three work around the house
- Other 3 are considered slaves and work in fields, serve in the military and sell things
- 14 of the people that should be able to read can’t read at all
- More males get to go to school than females
- 6 people are retired and can’t work
- In America kids are required to go to school but in this village only a minimum amount of kids can attend schools others may be helping around the house or being put to work like slaves.
- If all of the money was divided equally everyone would get 10,300 US dollars
- But in the village money is not divided equally
- The poorest 10 people each have less than 2 dollars a day - less than a 1000 dollars a year
- Half the people in the village get 6 dollars a day
- 50 people have radios
- 45 have TV
- 103 have telephones/cell phones
- 28 Computers
- 2 trucks
- 10 automobiles
- 20 bicycles
- Only a small part of the village has enough money for basic needs but other people suffer from not enough money.
- Many homes have lights all around
- Some people use candles to make light
- ¼ of the world do not have electricity
- 76 people have electricity
- 24 do not have electricity
- This means those 24 people do not have a fridge
- 17 percent comes from nuclear power and 73 comes from fossil fuels
- 10 percent comes from renewable sources
- Candles are blown out by many people in the village and other people can flick a switch, this means a lot of people don’t have electricity but not everyone can share the light.
- A newborn can live to age 68!
- Some villagers live longer and shorter
- About 41 people live in an area where malaria - 6 percent get malaria every year
- Around 80 people are given vaccinations - So they live longer lives
- Vaccines can be harmful though
- Around the village people die and others survive by being vaccinated and by staying healthy while others have poor health because of no money.
Write a blog entry called, "If the World Were a Village" and write about the following in paragraph format. (Don't respond to these questions individually. Incorporate them all into a paragraph.)
| Our world is different in many ways that show culture and collaboration. It is amazing that 3/4 of the world has electricity and 25 percent of the world only has a fridge, lights and oven! I wish people could get more water and food in the world because they are the main source we use to stay alive. I wish more people had more education to learn and go to college to have a good chance of a job. I want to improve clean drinking water for people, or at least help people have to not walk miles to get water. I bet I can help by visiting other countries or cities to help others in need of food and water. I could help by going to a state that just has a tornado. |