Our Oregon Trail has been an amazing journey! We have gone through so much on this trek across the United States. When we first started, we had beginner's luck and got a big sack of gold. It's too bad that the man holding it got squished by our time machine. Ouch! We met a nice man named James McVee, who asked us why we were headed out west. We wanted to find rich soil, cheap land, nice weather, higher pay, and a new life. After that, we looked at old maps and documents to see what the best route west was. We chose the wonderful Oregon Trail. We used some of our money to buy supplies for the trip like food, clothes, oxen, and wagons. We chose Conestoga wagons, but they were too heavy for the oxen to pull. A prairie schooner wagon salesman bought our wagons for $30 each, then we got 6 prairie schooners. They were much lighter and easier to pull. We played lots of games on the trail, like foot races, button whizzers, hoop, stick pull, cat's cradle, bucket brigade, bear climb, and jumping at the mark. They were fun ways to pass time on the trail. At night, we would sometimes have campfires and sings songs like Buffalo Gal and Grandpa had a Grandpa. All the fun ended when we got blisters. We decided to treat them by soaking them in clean, warm water, and poke at the base with a sterilized needle to drain out the liquid inside.