My daydream was suddenly cut short when I plunged into something. I opened my eyes and found that I was still around lots of other molecules, but we were rushing down a mountain. I asked someone,”Where are we?” The molecule sounded very relaxed as he responded, like he had done this a thousand times. Come to think of it, he may have done this a thousand times. He said,”We’re going down a mountain stream.” I tried to be relaxed too, so I just let myself go with the flow and stay calm in the raging waters of the river.
Soon after I fell asleep, I woke up to find myself in a lake! “Wow,” I said, “Who knew that a lake would collect this many water molecules!” The storm finally passed and the sky was clear. I had fun playing with my friends in the big lake. A few days later, I was swept off of my feet and brought up into the sky. I was being evaporated! I saw all of my friends coming up too. When I reached the sky, I looked down and almost fainted. My friends next me saw my face and asked,” Are you afraid of heights?” I nodded and closed my eyes. She said,”Don’t worry, we will all be together very soon.” When she finished speaking, all of the molecules stuck together. We condensed into one beautiful cloud. Now that I was with all of the other molecules, I wasn’t afraid anymore! I was ready to start the water cycle again!