What Do I Know?I know that board games take a lot of time to make, and they are not easy to do. Most of people who make board games do not make it over night I just hope I will be able to make it in the time I have been given. What Did I Learn?I learned that it takes a lot of time and effort to make a board game. It took a lot of time because I had trial and error for this so I learned that it takes time to do things and I was able to do It because I work really hard on it to get is done. | What Do I Want To Know?I want to know the experience of how to make a board game. I also want to know how to make it exciting that people really like what my project is and get hooked on how to do it. What Action Did I Take?I made a website so my website shows all of the videos I made. I like that way of showing my project becasue more people can use it. | How will I learn thing information?I will learn thins information by guessing how to do it and trying again. I am going to be observing other board games and see how I can make my board similar. What Questions Do I Still Have?I am wondering how people can get their board games to be in stores? Because every time I look it up it is different. I always thought it would be cool if something of mine was in a store. |
This project was fun to do because I got to make my own thing. I would definitely do another project just like it because it was not to much resurrect it was more showing you how to do it. I learned that it takes a lot of time to do and make because I had a lot of trial and error. I did enjoy doing it again because I learned from my mistakes and got to make the new one better. Now my board does not fall apart and I made it look a lot better. I would definitely do another kind of board if I had time. I think that I got to accomplish a lot in the time, I got to do a lot of videos. I think that I captured almost everything in my videos.