What do I KNOW already? We know basically the whole story line of the play and the characters which we definitely have our opinions about. We know their personalities which will be awesome in the character analysis and will help us bring the characters to life. We already have performed this play giving us great knowledge and insight on how to this play wonderfully but some trouble might come with only having two performers. What did we LEARN? We learned a lot more about the characters in the play! Acting their parts out really let us get to know the characters more! The most important thing we learned was time management! We took on such a huge project that at one point seemed like we weren't going to finish, but we worked really hard and went to every homework club to finish it! We will not take on such big projects in the future! | What do I WANT to know? We want to know if we can accomplish putting on this difficult and long play in a timely fashion and execute it professionally. We would also like to know more about the characters and get to know them better. What ACTION did we take? We videotaped a play that we acted in and we did character analysis' on the characters! We also took on a huge project! | HOW will I learn this information? We will learn this by putting on the play and evaluating our overall performance skill. We will also learn from our character analysis from which we will know them better. What QUESTIONS do we still have? Do we think we could do this better if we did it again? Did we do our best at all times? |
Addie's Reflection:
The hardest part of this project was trying to manage our time and finish our project on time. Another difficulty we had to overcome was the fact that we were experiencing technical difficulties with iMovie. Even with our setbacks we still had tons of fun. I think the effort put into it (practically every homework club!) was definitely worth it and I think that we learned a lot despite the fact it wasn't a research project. One of the super fun parts was that we got to wear tons of costumes and use funny voices. I think that when you play a character like we did you really get attached and I am going to miss playing Bottom (watch our video above to see what I'm talking about.) We collaborated really well and were there for each other when the other one was were frustrated. If I could work with Addy on another passion time project I most certainly would. Overall I just think this was a great experience and I think that the lesson we learned about how big of a project we took on was very valuable and we will carry it with us on to future projects.
The hardest part of this project was trying to manage our time and finish our project on time. Another difficulty we had to overcome was the fact that we were experiencing technical difficulties with iMovie. Even with our setbacks we still had tons of fun. I think the effort put into it (practically every homework club!) was definitely worth it and I think that we learned a lot despite the fact it wasn't a research project. One of the super fun parts was that we got to wear tons of costumes and use funny voices. I think that when you play a character like we did you really get attached and I am going to miss playing Bottom (watch our video above to see what I'm talking about.) We collaborated really well and were there for each other when the other one was were frustrated. If I could work with Addy on another passion time project I most certainly would. Overall I just think this was a great experience and I think that the lesson we learned about how big of a project we took on was very valuable and we will carry it with us on to future projects.
Addy's Reflection:
The hardest part of this project was probably finishing the whole thing! We had to work really hard and long to actually finish the play! We had to go to every homework club we could and work on it! Something that was also hard was getting the videos onto Imovie! We finally just started to videotape on camera because of technology problems! The best part of this project was probably the costumes! We really had fun dressing up and saying our lines together! I also rally loved getting to know the character better! I really loved how Addie and I collaborated so well! We always helped each other and made the other laugh! I really wish we could do another project together because we know each other so well after doing this play together! I really can't believe we did it and can't wait to do another amazing project!
The hardest part of this project was probably finishing the whole thing! We had to work really hard and long to actually finish the play! We had to go to every homework club we could and work on it! Something that was also hard was getting the videos onto Imovie! We finally just started to videotape on camera because of technology problems! The best part of this project was probably the costumes! We really had fun dressing up and saying our lines together! I also rally loved getting to know the character better! I really loved how Addie and I collaborated so well! We always helped each other and made the other laugh! I really wish we could do another project together because we know each other so well after doing this play together! I really can't believe we did it and can't wait to do another amazing project!