What do we know? Well I know that there are 52 cards total in a full deck, with two jokers. I know that there are four pairs of aces, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, tens, jacks, queens, and kings. I know that a card trick is a action with cards that leaves the audience memorized and wondering. I already know a few card tricks, like how to guess the card that they were thinking of or make a correct guess. What did we learn?I learned a lot of new tricks and skills in this passion time round. I learned that you can do a lot of awesome tricks with a regular deck, but then you might need a special deck with duplicate cards are more than 52 cards in it. I would have to say that my favorite trick that I learned is a two card monte, I couldn't put it on my video because it involves a huge crowd. | What do we want to know?I want to know some more card tricks that nobody can fugue out. I want the audience to be thinking for a while after I preform. I want to do tricks that start of with cards but then finish with something even bigger. What action did we take?First I just got a deck of cards and then I just started making you tube video's and then put those on my website. I just kept doing that process until I had a good amount of video's. | How will I learn the information?I will create my own card tricks, watch videos on how to them, and read books. What questions do we still have? There are still so many more card tricks out there to learn and preform. I mean it doesn't even have to be card tricks, it could be any type of magic trick. Like their is this really cool trick where they can squeeze a deck of cards inside a balloon, pull the whole deck out, except the card that the spectator picked. |
I really liked working on my topic and doing a lot of fun an awesome magic tricks, I preformed a few tricks that I already new but I also learned a lot of new tricks. Something that was a bit challenging to me was learning some of the card tricks were tricky too understand, I also created a few of my own and that was hard too. But once I got the hang of everything, it was a breeze. I feel that I got a lot out doing this passion time project, and I also think that people who visit my website will get a lot out of this too!