What do I KNOW? I know that different classes and species of animals have a wide variety of ways to defend themselves, and that they have natural enemies that they react differently to. What Did I LEARN? I learned that what defense mechanisms an animal has or uses depends on their species, class, natural enemies, natural abilities, their enemy that they are facing currently, and how much danger they are in. Defense mechanisms can come from a species knowing it's natural enemies, and genetically mutating new skills to match or beat their enemies in the race for superior natural weapons. | What do I WANT to Know? I want to know what some species and classes of animals have in common when it comes to defense mechanisms, and why they do it. I also want to know what goes on in a animal's head when they defend themselves, and if that changes the way they live their life afterwards. What ACTION did I take? I created a website that shares most of the information that I learned about my topic and gives credit to the sites I used to learn the information. | HOW Will I Find the Information? I will use the amazing internet that we have to look up the info I need to create my website. I also already know some things about my topic, so I used those facts as well. What QUESTIONS Do I Still Have? I am wondering what exactly goes on in an animal's own part of it's brain when they perform various responses to predator or enemy encounters, and I am wondering why certain animals have certain natural enemies besides the predator-to-prey relationship. |
Reflection: I hope that my website will teach people about my topic and that they can use the information to possibly create something of their own. I used just a few websites to get all of the information I needed, which was a little bit difficult at times, but I think once I got most of the basic information, I started to get the hang of it. I had some trouble with uploading the video to YouTube on time, so I had to redo the video three times to actually get it to YouTube. I took most of my time creating the website, and I researched the information as I created the website, which got me all of the information I needed while taking less time overall to thoroughly complete the project.