This impressive annual conference hosted by kids, for kids takes place at several sites in Illinois, including Aptakisic Junior High in Buffalo Grove. It’s a forum for students in grades 3 – 12 to demonstrate technology tools they have learned, and is also a fantastic opportunity to learn about technology from other students. The conference takes place on February 21, 2015, however the registration deadline is January 23, and early registration is imperative. Visit for more information (a flyer will be added soon). Contact Lynn Szabo or Maribeth Seisser if you have any questions. Last year, I had two students present at this conference and they LOVED it! I would be so proud if any of my students would consider presenting or attending the conference this year.
It is time for kids to register for the SIT conference. It is the best day for students ever! They present to one another, learn together, build, tinker and hang out with kids interested in technology. It is a conference for kids by kids.
Teacher volunteers at the SIT conference are there to help students. Parents are not allowed to attend unless they are on the official volunteer list. There are lots of teacher volunteers to help presenters get set up, serve lunch, snacks and monitor all the students though.
If your child is interested, please register them soon. There are only 400 spaces available this year.