Welcome to Parent Night!!!
Introduction & Background My philosophy of education
Classroom Website: paulsolarz.weebly.com
What parents can do to help their child
WHO IS THIS CHILD? (10 and 11 year olds): I’M TEN and...
Math in Focus Math in Focus curriculum strives to develop conceptual understanding with the goal of content mastery. Concepts are taught moving through a sequence of concrete to pictorial to abstract. Concrete learning happens through hands-on activities with math manipulatives, such as counters, coins, number lines, or base ten blocks. Pictorial learning uses pictures, drawings, or other forms that illustrate the concept with something more than abstract numbers. Finally, abstract learning requires students to use numerals, strategies, and problem solving methods to solve problems. Math in Focus supports the goals of the Illinois Learning Standards for Mathematics. It is a research-based program that focuses on classroom learning, discussion and practice. It strives to balance conceptual understanding, visual learning, and problem solving. Students will have access to math manipulatives, student workbooks, student textbooks and online resources. Words Their Way Word study involves focused attention to words and word elements, with the goal of helping children become excellent readers and writers. Word study is defined as an instructional process that involves the learner in an investigation of words” (Fountas & Pinnell 1998). “While important, phonics, spelling, word analysis, and grammar usage strategies are not the end goal of literacy education. Their importance lies in their contribution to reading and writing continuous text. The more students can solve words, derive the meaning of words, spell words, and parse language syntax rapidly, fluently, and unconsciously the more likely they are to read and write with competence and ease” (Fountas & Pinnell 2017). |
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May 2019
Honors: |