The link below will take your child to our Science Fair Experiment Sign-Up page. They have been instructed to sign up for a time for us to do their experiment together in school. They will need to have all of their materials in class by this day and possibly will need a ride to school at 8:15 if they sign up for a before school time. Everything for Science Fair will be taken care of in class. No homework (I even bought their backboards for them)! Thanks!
For Students:
Here is the link to sign up for a Science Fair time to do your experiment with me (You need to be signed into Google in order to access it):
Please remember to have all of your materials in school by the date you sign up for (and make sure you ask Mr. Solarz to bring in any materials that he said he would bring in a few days earlier). Predict what this time will look like ahead of time. You will be in charge and Mr. Solarz will be your assistant. Be prepared to lead!