England decided to get in a war with french fought from 1753 to 1762
- British had some Indian tribes
- French had Indian tribes
- England won war against France
- England spent more money then they had for the war
- They needed someone to pay the war so they asked Boston
- Going to taxed Boston and people from England
- The native Americans fought on different sides sometimes
- Proclamation 1763 king George said after war
- Made anouncment
- So guest in america cant go past the apalations mountains
- King george says to protect us
- King goerge took over and he is not nice
- Got sugar act and made sugar in america cost more and cost less in england
- England wants us to buy more sugar from them
- Efter sugar act tax colecters people from england need jobs so the come to colect tax
- The tax colecters started a currency act and they said this couldent would e worth this amount
- Saved england money
- Couldnt make more money because it would be less valuble
- They got no taxation without reargument
- They said if we want to buy a news paper the would need a stamp to be put on it which would cost a money
- If want to get married have kids death certifacut have to have a stamp
- Stamp act congress took people from different colonys and said we will refuse to buy stamps
- If they try to do things without stamps
- They did it for about 4 months and won the got rid of the stamp act
- King gorge said about declartory act and the controlled everyone like they were there children
- Quartering act said that because were bring solders from england tar and fethers on people and made sure they paid taxes
- They said if a british soilder came to someones house and said i will spend the night there and thely have to make food for them and in the morning they will leave and didnt stay that long
- Sons of liberty men said we need to start doing stuff to the british to make life misserable
- So they started boston tea party
- If america ever wants to fight king george everyone would lose there jobs
- parlement
- New york said they wouldnt follow the quartering act so they got in trouble
- Now solders are in america george washington says i am just in the indian war and i did not do anything to speical so far
- A lot of people listened to gerge washington and voted to get rid of towns in acts
- And boycots
- Mayjor event happened it was winter british soilders were standing in boston stare american colinist start ed throwing snowballs and calling them names
- They told every one stop
- And they kind of did
- Until one point some one said FIRE
- So one of the british soilders to shot there guns and more solders did
- 5 men were killed and 6 others were injured
- Paul rever said it wa
- In the news paper it sayed british shot americans for no resion
- Patriots wanted to break away and start his own country
- They get together and the commits wanted everyone to be patriots
- The tea act was a new law so tax on the we would want to buy british tea
- They had too much tea they had to sell it
- So made it cheaper and did'nt want to do
- Trying to sell at cheap prices
- The sons of liberty dressed up as mowhawk indains and carried a tomhawk
- All sons of liberty aboard ship and celebrate
- And throw all tea into harbor
- England dont make much money and were upset
- The entolerable act were american patriots turn
- Because of those acts america was orginized
- Finally america gets together and says we wanat repusentitive and want to fight back together and was first contanetal congress
- Georgia didnt come so they wont mess with england
- They thought of what to do so they can stop the bullying
- The second one was in two years and sent a letter to king george
- Patrick henry said give me liberty or give me death
- Tomas kane wrote the best book called common sense for america
- He said if your not a patriot then your dumb and so everyone was patriot
How long ago did you think about writing the decloration of indapendints?
Did more people want the decloration of indapendince or less? More people agreed.
Did any of you guy have any friends from england.
56 people signed the decloration of indapendence
lots of arguing