- I learned that even though we hear a lot about how we are different from other people in other countries and all that stuff I learned that we are more similar to everybody else thatn different and that the reason why we think that we are are so different from everybody else is because everyone wants to tell us that because they think that that will make us more interested instead of hearing outr similarities.
- The other thing that I learned is that if you were put in a room with a bunch of complete strangers and with people who aren't our family or friend and they said go make friends with everybody you would probably go and make good friends and you would learn things that you never even knew about a country or a culture or anything like that and you would realize that we are so similar so much or than we thought.
My teacher, Mr. Solarz, was fortunate enough to travel to Dubai last week for an education conference and to meet former Top 50 Global Teacher Prize candidates for the Varkey GEMS Global Teacher Prize. He shared his unbelievable experience with us, and here are some things that I learned from our discussion:
How can I make a flashlight be the brightest it can be?
What makes a star as bright as it can be?
Nicole MarinoI am Nicole Marino, a dentist from Rome Italy. I think that it would be very important to have a dentist on Mars because we will all want good clean teeth so that we can easily eat. I also think it is important because nobody wants cavities and being on Mars not everyone will know how to take care of their teeth properly.
May 2017
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