Absent-Minded Professor
My job is the Absent Minded Professor job. For my job you write down all the homework that the re-caper already wrote down on the board. You definitely always want to write down everything that is on the board so that the person that is absent isn't confused. After you write down all the homework, you need to write down all the due dates. For example; Spelling City Week 27, Due: Wednesday. After you write everything on the board, you go and return the sheet to the student's desk. You might want to gather the homework that they missed that day. For example the math worksheet that we did in math, you want to put that with the homework sheet that you just wrote down. The day that they come back, you have to explain all the homework to them, being very specific on all the things that they missed. For example; if the asked about the math homework tell them what to do on the sheet in case they are confused.
This job is very important to our classroom because without it the kids that are absent won't be able to know what homework they missed while they were out sick. It is also important because without it when the absent-person comes back, not many people will be willing to tell them what exactly they missed and need to catch up on. Overall this job is important because when a person is absent, or sick, they will need to be caught up so that they don't fall behind.
This job is very important to our classroom because without it the kids that are absent won't be able to know what homework they missed while they were out sick. It is also important because without it when the absent-person comes back, not many people will be willing to tell them what exactly they missed and need to catch up on. Overall this job is important because when a person is absent, or sick, they will need to be caught up so that they don't fall behind.
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