So, here are the main things you need to know if you want to be the Computer Cart Job Kid. You need to make sure you have all the computers and in the right spot, bring the cart to and from your classroom and designated area, plug the computers, plug and unplug the cord into the power strip plugged into the wall, and make sure you have all the computers in the cart. | |
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Our Formal Classroom Jobs
Most things in our classroom are "collaborative responsibilities" that we all share and do whenever necessary, but some things are assigned. We call these our "Formal Jobs." Formal jobs can be done by anyone, but must get done by the end of each day and one person is in charge of making sure it happens. This blog attempts to explain each of those jobs. Archives
May 2016
CategoriesMorning Jobs: Morning Announcements Morning Greeter Morning Attendance During the Day Jobs: Computer Cart Monitor iPad Cart Monitor Pillow Person/Librarian Paper Passer Pencil Shavings Dumper Duster Lunch Bin Transporter Magnet Mover During REARJMCL: Recapper Evaluator Announcer Mail Distributor Google Calendar Kid Daily Photo Journal Absent-Minded Professor Chair Stacker/Inspector Inspector Gadget Afternoon Reminderer Other: Teacher's Assistant |