Here I am feeling the flap of the fish's tail go against me. I am only Stacy the molecule. I cant stay in here forever. Oh now I remember that it's my turn to get evaporated. I can feel me getting released from the water. This is a process called evaporation. Since I am in the air for about a minute I can see my other molecule friends. We decide that we all should hang out so we "stick together" We look so weird like little droplets of water. Oh water vapor! We just condensed. Soon later I decide that I want to go to a concert so me, Stacy the molecule decides to travel to Beyoncé's locker room. When we reach the stage I can feel the vibration pounding onto the floor. Soon Beyoncé starts singing and of course she is working so hard that I am sliding off the tips of her head. I just experienced Perspiration. Man that was fun but the next thing I know I am in the air and me, only a molecule, so small just slid into the ground and into a river. Gosh dang it! I just got accumulated! Then comes my best friends Nicole and Alison they said that they wanted to take the "perspiration ride" I asked what it was but they said to just wait and figure out myself. First we went up into the sky as three little molecules. All of a sudden..
"Ow!" I could feel me being pulled up into the cloud and then me getting released again. Over and over, as soon as I got released, I came back up into the cloud because of all the high wind and gravity. From now On, I was not just a molecule, I had ice stuck to me. I was becoming hail! Finally when the wind could not pull me up again, I fell down from the cloud onto the ground. Man the precipitation ride was fun! Well, what a day for a molecule girl like me.
"Ow!" I could feel me being pulled up into the cloud and then me getting released again. Over and over, as soon as I got released, I came back up into the cloud because of all the high wind and gravity. From now On, I was not just a molecule, I had ice stuck to me. I was becoming hail! Finally when the wind could not pull me up again, I fell down from the cloud onto the ground. Man the precipitation ride was fun! Well, what a day for a molecule girl like me.