| 1. I do think that it was difficult to use the same technique throughout the whole experiment. I think this because my muscles were getting tired and tired while using the same technique and they started to slack off. 2. Before this experiment my hands and fingers felt normal and really relaxed because their was no work my hands and fingers had to do. During this experiment, My hands felt fatigued and tired going on and on during the experiment. After this experiment, my hands were trying to cool down and get out all of the pain that was forced to my muscles. 3. In the beginning, my data numbers started to be lower numbers. But, as we got trial into trial my numbers started to increase into bigger numbers. 4. Some errors or inconsistencies that affected my results were: many times the clothespin fell out of my hand which affected time and many times, my hand felt tired and the clothespin began to feel harder to control. 5. My hand strength changed over the course of this experiment because I was constantly making my hand push and push the clothespin. My hand strength ran out of energy over the activity. 6. I think that my muscles get the energy and nutrients they need for a reason. I think that they get the energy and nutrients from the food that every human eats and that is how our muscles are entergetic. 7. To prevent my muscles from tiring, I could have just took a five second break or I could have just started out slow with pushing the clothespin and the gradually push my muscles harder. 8. If you experience muscle fatigue there are two things that my basketball coach always told me. He would always say push through it or just rest! |
“Stacy!!” My mom roars,” why didn’t you finish your vegetables? Waddle back down here right this instant and eat these vegetables! They are good for you!” “But mom!!” I yelp, “Why does it always have to go your way!” “No asking, just eat!” She says in a stiff voice. “Mom pretty please with a cherry on top, I don’t want to eat this!” “No talking back!” My mom fired. “C’mon mom this green gooey food does not look good!” “It may not look intimidating to you but I promise, It will be dancing around your whole mouth!” She says. “I guarantee you I will gag it all out! I said.”
“Stacy! No talking back, it is not good!” “Oh my gosh mom”, I mumbled. “What did you say stacy!” She said loudly “Oh why oh why do I always have to eat vegetables. I just wish life did not have rules or laws, it would be so much easier! No having to eat vegetables, no homework, nothing that can make life bad!” I thought on how having no rules can even be fun! You could play with your friends all day, go to the mall, buy anything you want! What a great feeling! Having no rules or laws could be bad too but I would do anything to not eat vegetables. After thinking hard, I went upstairs to go to bed. Before I slept I did my night prayers and my message was: “Dear god, thank you for this wonderful day but lately I've been having problems. I need you to help me make this wish come true. I wish that in this world there were no rules or laws. I would not have to eat vegetables and my mom would not have to force me to eat them. I would be a much happier person so please give me a hand in granting this wish. Goodnight, amen.” After my message, I had a great feeling inside. Soon, butterflies started fluttering inside my stomach. I could tell that soon, there would be a great start to something new. What if my wish comes true? Life would be terrific! No more worries, just fun. I lightly closed my eyes with a smile and begun to snore. Next morning, something felt slightly different! Maybe my wish came true! I get up from my bed and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and find my toothbrush that seems to be wet. “oh well” I thought. I started brushing my teeth gently, remembering to cover every single tooth with the cool, fresh, mint toothpaste. Soon, I hear lightening fast thumps going against the floor. Out of breath, my sister Grace comes into the bathroom. “Hi grafe” I say goofily with the toothpaste in my mouth. “Hey” she says “What are you doing” I ask “I’m going to take a shower.” “ok” I say. Soon I could hear Grace singing loudly in the shower. “Will she ever stop?” I thought. Soon Grace takes a pause in her singing. “Oh and by the way Stacy, I am happy to tell you that Aidan (my little brother) has used your toothbrush this morning.” “Are you crazy? That is disgusting!” I roared “Mom told me to!” Grace said. “Mom would never tell you that!” I cried. “Well guess what, she did!” She said in her sassy teenage voice. I growled, I could tell that this was going to be a awful, poor, bad day. “What’s next?” I thought I trotted downstairs for breakfast but instead, I find a whole feast of Pizza, Candy, Burgers, Hotdogs, Fudge, Gum. “Good Morning Stacy!” My mom says with a ear to ear smile! “ G-G-Good Morning Mom!” I say frightened “Turn that frown upside down and have some breakfast!” She says cheerfully. “Oh yeah, Could I have a waffle?” I ask “How about some pizza?” She asked “Mom, are you ok?” “Stacy, you have this food every morning!” she says confused. “Mom, you're acting a little fishy, I had eggs with bacon yesterday.” I said scared. “ Aren’t you happy for some pizza?” My mom questioned. “Well, yeah but Breakfast is the important meal of the day, and this is the only time of the day I like to have something like orange juice, yogurt, fruit.” I explain. “We don’t own anything like that.” My mom says. “But-but just yesterday you told me to eat my vegetables. And you meant it. You almost forced me to eat them!” I yelp “Stacy, are you sick? I would never say something like that.” She explained. “Mom! I am not lying, you told me that just last night!” I cried “ No Stacy, Last night you went to Alison’s house!” She told me puzzled. “Okay then” I thought confused. I could just tell that this was going to be an awful, poor, very bad day. Later Alison invites me over, when I got to her house, we got unoccupied very soon. “Lets play some football in here!” Alison suggests. “But your mom and dad say that we are not allowed to.” I explain. “When have they ever said that?” Alison questions. “Anytime I come to your house and we want to play football, you parents say no! They always say that we would end up breaking something.” I explain. “Clearly, my parents have never said that.” She declared. “If I break something, your parents will not let me step inside this house!” I stammered. “That’s not true! Stacy, lets play some football, you worry for no reason.” “But-But last time I asked to play football you got mad at me because you thought that I knew better.” I explained. “Stacy, I think that you need some medicine, I would have never done that.” “Stacy, I told you to not worry so much, nothing is going to happen!” Alison yelps. “Alright, i’ll play football!” I finally say. “Yes! Finally! I don’t know why it was so hard to convince you!” She says while throwing the football. “This football is a bit too heavy to throw around in a house, don’t you think? Maybe we should get a lighter ball.” I declare. “Stacy!” Alison says annoyed. “Sorry” I say. “Don’t worry too much about things!” Alison proposed. “You sound like my mother.” I said giggling. “Try to catch this pass, I will throw it super hard!” Alison roars. “Alright” I say a bit scared. Then, the ball zooms lightening fast throughout the midair while all of a sudden clang! Crash! “ Oh no!” I scream. “We broke the TV!” I yelped. “Eh it’s alright” Alison says. “No it is not! Your parents are going to freak!” I yell. “No they’re not! They won’t even notice it!” Why is everyone acting so suspicious lately! I wished they wouldn’t but now, now it is just getting on my nerves. It was turning into a awful, poor , bad day . Later, I go home and my mom yells, “Who wants to make brownies?” In a flash, Me, Grace, and Aidan (my brother) all yell “Yes!” We crack the eggs, pour the oil, pour the brownie mix in the bowl, and mix the batter. It was finally my turn to pour the batter after Grace and Aidan. A minute after I start mixing the electric spinner goes crazy and starts spinning uncontrollably and almost the whole batter spills onto my shirt, my favorite shirt! “Ahhh! I shriek! How much worse can this day possibly get!” It was a plain awful, poor, very bad day. Finally when the brownies are done baking I walk over to the brownie to find no brownies left! “Grace! Aidan! The rule is everyone has a piece!” I proclaimed. “Since when?” Grace says in a confused voice. “Since every year!” I declared. “Sorry, I don’t know what is wrong with you right now.” Grace scrams. “Ok, is this some kind of joke or something. Everything,and all the rules are suddenly gone in a flash. I just don’t get this!” I say hopeless. “Sorry, nothing we can do.” Said Aidan worried. This awful, poor, bad day could not get possibly worse. To try to get all the crazy things going on in my head out of my head, I get the TV remote to watch a show. “Maybe this will help me get my mind off of things.” I set the TV remote on the table and cover myself with a blanket so I could be comfortable. All of a sudden, Grace changed the TV channel to one of her favorite shows. “Grace, I was in the middle of watching TV.” I said annoyed. “I asked mom and she said she did not care if I put on my show.” She exclaimed. “But-But.” I said “Sorry things aren’t going your way today but, Everyday is like this.” Grace explained. “Whatever” I said “I am going to bed. This day just turned out to be an awful, poor, very bad day.” I go in my bed, turn of the light and just sigh. “hmm” I say exhausted “I do not know why I ever wished there were no rules or laws. Everything just goes wrong without rules or laws. I wish everything just turned back to normal because rules are very important. They make me think in a fair way for everyone and help me care for what I am doing. Today without rules, everyone acted weird and nobody cared about anything. We could’ve gotten in danger without rules. I wish everything goes to normal again.” I said as I closed my eyes. |
June 2015
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Categories |