Half Magic It was a fun book. Was full of adventure and gives you lots of laughter. There are lots of discussions that are in it like lots of things that will make you wonder. You could read lots of times and not get sick of the book. I think if a child tried to read it they would enjoy it but would have some trouble with big words like Iphigenia. But if had someone read to them they would enjoy and have giggles. I recommend to everyone to read!! - Nicole D. I wonder
When snakes shed The lay on there bellies and pull real hard, They pull so long maybe its almost a yard. When their belly pulls so hard when they are all done their extra skin is sticky and they come out nice and silky. I wonder why it takes so long. I wonder will they ever need help like from a old snake friend. Just my luck I wake up to a mad screaming voice. “Nicole!” My mom yells from her room almost as loud and annoying as she could. “Get up right now you have to go to your 7:45 basketball practice, it is very important that you go you do not want to be kicked off the team because it is a rule that you must go to every practice unless you tell them you are not going. ” Of course it was only 7:30 in the morning!!
“But mom its so early.” I scream out of anger. Of course no answer. I just wish there was never any basketball practice in the morning, but of course its not our choice if we would like to get up at 7:30 for practice. It is just so hard to try and keep up with all the stuff we have to do for school when we have all this other stuff. So I finally decide it’s better not to make my mom more mad and get up. Of course when I walk down stairs all my basketball stuff is not there like I had planned it, it is probably not there because I forgot to put it there.“Oh great more work for me to find all my stuff.” I walk around the house a little to try and wake myself up more. I can’t find my basketball and figure that I will use my sisters basketball. “Do you need help finding your stuff?” My mom says in a tired scratchy voice. “No i’m ok.” I respond. I walk to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I decide to eat cereal and toast. When I take my toast out of the toaster oven it is all burnt, great now what will I eat cereal is not enough. I sit down at the table too tired to make another piece of toast. I walk back into the kitchen to help my mom get my water ready for basketball. She tells me that basketball has been scheduled to be an hour longer than the original scheduled time so instead of it ending at 8:45 it is going to end at 9:45. She also tells me that is going to be just my team practicing and the purple team, and sixth grade team will not be practicing with us. I was kind of confused on why they would do that I mean when are the other teams gonna practice. I find all my stuff for practice and we drive to practice and me and alison are the first people in the gym. Our coach tells us that we are going to play steal the bacon first in practice and I get really excited because steal the bacon is my favorite game to play during practice. When practice starts our coach lines us up in teams and gives us numbers and My number is matched up with madi. I get a little nervous because Madi is really good at this game but so am I. He calls three numbers at once but I am not in that group. My group is winning and we only need one more point to beat the other team. It is our last chance to beat the other team and our coach calls all the numbers that there are and everyone runs out and me and Madi go for the ball and we collide heads I look away and it feels like my nose is throbbing I close my eyes and…. I wake up and I am in my bed. I look at the clock and same day but, oh no it’s 9:45 I should have be at school already I wake up in a rush. I quick flash out of bed in an instant I hear a voice. It sounds a lot like my sister in the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and find my sister brushing her teeth. I pick up my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. My sister can not stop laughing, honestly I don’t know what she is laughing at. When I finish brushing my teeth and i’m putting away my toothbrush my sister finally burst out, “ Hahaha!! I can’t believe you used that toothbrush, hahaha!! I used that toothbrush to clean the sink counter off!!!” “ What! The same dirty sink that hasn’t been washed in ages?” “Yup” My sister says with no guilt at all. “ That exact sink right here in this room” She says with a bright grinning smile. “Ugh, When I grow up I am going to live alone.” I spit out the second round of water in my mouth and walk out of the room downstairs to find my mom but of course she is not home yet from the running. I walk back up the stairs to go get dressed for school, when I realize shouldn’t my sister be at school right now. I walk into my bedroom to ask my sister why she is not in school “ Hey, why aren’t you.... Ahhh!!! What are you doing that was a lot of money. Why are you ripping up all my clothes.” “I don’t know, for fun I guess I am just bored because I am not going to school I guess.” She says all that nonsense with a great grinning smile on her face with a little smirk. “What?? What am I supposed to wear to school now?” I say with a puzzled look on my face. and every few seconds I want to scream so loud that I hurt someones ear drums. “I don’t know, don’t look at me I am not your fashion person.” “What did I ever do to you, it’s going to be a long, very bad,terrible, awful day.” I leave the room, with a furious look on my face. I don’t even know what is going on here everyone is acting like there are no rules or laws in this world um hello people rules and laws still exist in this world we still living the same way as always. I walk back down stairs to find another pair of clothes to wear to school today so that I am not going to school in penguin my pajamas. When I get to the basement to find all of my clothes that have been washed a rush of red madness sweeps across my face, I found another pile of my brand new clothes ripped to shreds laying on the basement floor. “Ahhh” I scream with so much anger and so loudly I can hear my dogs faint bark upstairs. I could also hear their eager footsteps to see what was going on. I knew that this was going to be a long, very bad,terrible, awful day. As I walk back upstairs to go eat breakfast, When my mom comes bursting through the door like she was me and just ate lots of chocolate. “Come on it's time to go.” “What? I have not even eaten yet.” “Well you have had all this time lets go.” I hop into the car and as we start to drive a feel a slight grumble in my stomach. I look up and as we are driving on the road I see cars everywhere on the right and left lane. My mom is driving in the completely wrong lane and so are lots of other cars. People are not using signals they are not stopping they are just going and going. I look over and someone drives right past us at what seems like 100 miles per hour! Everyone is driving like maniacs. Its like they have no sense at all of the rules of the road. My mom swerves into the left lane the wrong lane without even looking or using her signals. Another car comes flying down the road and almost hits our car. “MOM!” I scream with all my might. “Watch out that car almost hit us!” “Well it didn’t so I we didn’t hit them so we are okay.” I was so surprised by my moms reaction she looked so relaxed and not scared or surprised at all. Finally when we get to school I see everyone climbing on the gates and yelling. What surprised me most of all people were dropping of in the orange zone and no teachers were doing anything about it. Also there was no patrol people out. Everyone was yelling and climbing on the wall and was sitting on window sills. I walked over to my friends that were all supposed to be on patrol. “Hey guys aren't you guys supposed to be on patrol?” “Yea so, we just don’t feel like doing it.” Stacy said in a sassy voice. “Oh, why not?” “I don’t know.” I did not answer that part because right when I was gonna answer the bell rang. But only a few people decided to go in. but me and my friends thought it was better to go in. When we got into the classroom and everyone was huddling in one corner planning something. They all came over to me and my friends and tell us that there plan is that they are all gonna run away from school at morning recess and go to starbucks. all my friends say that it is a great idea and that they are all in. Everyone looks over at me to see if I was gonna do it. I was so confused. “Uhhh.” Before I knew it everyone was running outside for morning recess. I saw everyone running and turn a corner to leave I started running with them. I felt a little tired from running so long and was getting a little flumsy. My legs were getting tired when I tripped over a crack and landed really hard on my head and saw blurry and everyone just kept running and did not even notice me. I blinked then…. I wake on the floor with A ice pack in my hands at basketball. It was a grey day today up in the Boogle Mountain. As I would climb up the mountain the day would feel more and more miserable. I looked over to my partner “Maybe we should stop and eat our sandwich now.”
“Ok” Said Kaela. As we stop we hear a laugh like sound. We both jump to our feet. “What was that” Kaela said in a startled voice. “It sounded like a hyena, they say the Boogle Mountain has the largest amount of hyena’s.” We turn to run when Stacy jumps out and says “Hey why are you running away?” |
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