Seahorses are really cool creatures. One way seahorses use water for is to live. Seahorses live in water and without it, they wouldn't be alive. Seahorses aren't very good swimmers. This is because they rely on their dorsal fin to move them. They let the water flow move them around. Sometimes, if the water flow is too strong, then the seahorse can die from all the exhaustion. This shows how water can sometimes be a bad thing for seahorses. Almost their whole life is spent on resting and eating in the water. The father seahorse is the seahorse to carry the eggs in the ocean. A seahorse's eyes move independently from each other. A life-span for a seahorse is 4-6 years. These facts show how seahorses use water.
How humans and seahorses use and need water.
| Seahorses
| Both
Questions 1. Why is water considered a "Natural Resource?" 2. How is water essential (required) to our survival and the survival of all living things? | Answers1. A natural resource is a resource that we use that is naturally on Earth. We use water and it is naturally on Earth so it is a Natural Resource. 2. We drink water and without it, we wouldn't be able to survive. Other living things often either use it to drink like us, or to breathe in. |