What do I Know I know that some kinds of video games have some kind of human magnet, and that most video games are popular because of these elements in the games. | What do I Want to Know I want to know what parts of video games appeal to most people and I want to find a logical explanation for why the games are so great to most people. | How Will I get the Information I will use the internet and some information on the human brain and stress from my previous project. |
What did I Learn I learned that the main reason people play video games, (or the most popular element) is the freedom of movement, for controlled stress over your virtual world. I think I understand from my own video game experiences why it is so great. I fully understand multiple video game aspects and why people like them so much. | What Action did I Take I made a slideshow with an answer to my question and created a video game on paper that I put onto the slideshow. I also created a video and posted it to YouTube showing what I did with my project and presented the project. | What Questions do I Still Have I am still wondering what part of the brain controls how you feel about the video games, and how some different people respond to a video game. (Which ties to what part of the brain controls how you feel about it). |
I had a lot of fun creating this because it was a fun topic to study and work on, and I was able to use my new knowledge of this question to my own advantage (to not get stressed out over a game.) I also understood the concept of my question really well once I studied for a while. I faced some challenges with one of the websites I was using not being reliable, but I looked at some other sites and found good information. I learned a lot of information and I hope others will learn from my project. |