What Do I Know? I know that lots of computers have come out throughout the years and some computers are fast and some are slow. I also know that most computers back then were very big and thick. What Did I Learn?I learned that there are many different kinds of computers and some are powerful and some are less powerful. I also learned that there are not just one kind of computer there are powerbooks, netbooks, and laptops. Another thing I learned was how have computers have changed. Computers used to be huge and covered about 1800 square feet. and now computers are only about 11 inches and they are super thin. | What Do I Want To Know? I want to know how computers have changed over time. What Action did I Take?I made a website because I like how Weebly oraganizes the info and also I wanted to try something new. | How Will I Get The Info? I will look at videos and I will look on websites that have some info. I will also take some of the info I know and put it on my website. What Questions do I Still Have?The questions that I still have are how fast were the first computers compared to the computers now? |
My experience with learning about how computers have changed over time was AWESOME! I thought it was awesome because I learned a lot and had a lot of fun. I learned that some computers were like 100 tons and that is a lot. I also liked to see how all the computers have changed over time. The first computers were huge and you could not do much with them and now computers are in our daily lives. All in all, I loved this project and learned a lot!