Milo and Tock were walking through the marketplace. When a large cat walked up to them. Tock growled, but the cat said, "Please stop that, would you? I was going to ask you if you wanted a catalog." Tock stopped. Milo asked, "A catalog?" "Yes, a catalog. Let me introduce myself, I am the Catalog. I make catalogs, so you know what you are buying." At this, the cat pulled a catalog from a bag that was slung around his shoulder. He gave it to Milo who took it and saw that it advertised things being sold in the marketplace, on the front cover there was a picture of a stand that sold gourmet words. "I gave these out before the word market was set up, because some people may not know what they want and when they take the time to come here, and the word they want isn't here they wasted valuable time. So, I made my catalogs so people know when to come, and when not to come." At this, the cat beamed proudly. Milo thumbed through the pages. "Thank you for the catalog.” "You are welcome! Goodbye now!” The cat turned and walked into the crowd. |
![]() Milo, Tock, and the Humbug were going along the road. It was a gloomy day and trees seemed to droop low to the road. The atmosphere made everyone feel a bit sad. Milo and Tock rode in the car, at a slow pace, with the humbug trodding along beside them. "Wasn't conclusions the ideal vacation place? I wish were still ther- Ahhh!" the Humbug's sentence was cut off as the Humbug disappeared from sight. "Where did he go?!" Milo asked in confusion. He stopped the car and got out. He too, quickly disappeared from sight. Tock's alarm began to ring, he ran out of the car, and fell, down, down, down. It was a long way down. They all landed in a pile of dust. "Where are we?" asked Milo. They seemed to have landed in a huge underground cavern, that held a dump yard. Tock's alarm stopped ringing, and they looked around. It was lit up by street lamps. They walked around until they came to an old building with a sign on the top of it that said, "Information Center." They all went in and walked up to the woman sitting behind the desk, she had a large frown on her face. "Excuse me, but could you tell me where we are?" Milo asked politely. "You are down in the dumps, you were feeling sad, and that is how you came here." The woman replied. "Is there any way out of here?" Milo questioned. "Once you're down here, you're down here." The woman answered curtly. “Well, thanks anyway.” Milo said, then left. They walked around a giant pile of trash, and for the first time noticed how many people there were. “I have an idea of how to get out.” Tock said excitedly. “Remember when we were in the Doldrums and to get out all we had to do was think again.” “Yeah,” Milo agreed, “here we would have to be happy to get out.” They all began to think happy thoughts, Milo and Tock began to shimmer and float upwards. The Humbug stayed the same. He simply couldn’t think happy enough thoughts. “Wait for me!” He called. “Think of conclusions!” Milo yelled. The Humbug did, and soon began to shimmer and lift of the ground in a wavery floating fashion. Milo and Tock held on to him, and kept him steady. They were soon back on the road on their way to Digitopolis.
![]() "Tock! Look over here. Look, look, look!!" Along the way to Digitolpolis there was a small town called The Village of Confusion. Everyone seemed to be walking around with their head down sighing with a down face. "I don't know Milo why would we wanna go there, everyone seems down, no place for us." Ignoring Tock's wonderful speech Milo skipped passed the border line. "Oh fine." Tock follows Milo with a insecure look on his face. "Hi, how are you today." Milo said to every person he walked by with enthusiasm. Everyone gave him the same confused look like they didn't even know what he was saying, they shook there heads in disappointment. Up ahead Milo and Tock find a huge house with a sign outside it which read The Home of The Confuser. "Who is the Confuser?" Milo said with disbelief at how huge the house was. It could be a castle he thought. "Milo we really should be going know if we want to make it to Digitopolis." "Know, know we should always meet everyone. Come on its the last person and hopefully The Confuser won't be so confused." As they walked up a steep hill to get to the front of the house they noticed four strong men guarding the front of the house or castle as Milo thought. "Hi, we are here to meet the....Confuser. May we go in?" Without saying a word the first guard opened the door to a large hallway with on door at the very end that read If you are confused you can't read this. If you can read it you may enter. The pushed open the large doors which opened up in to a large ballroom with a big red chair placed in the exact middle of the room. In the chair sat a tall skinny woman who seemed very elegant. her back was straight, her arms and legs were placed exactly where they should be and she seemed to being staring at them with big bold eyes. "Back straight, sit and let me tell you a story." Without questioning why everyone was so confused out there they did as they were told."One day many years ago The Village of confusion was not my village. It was my sisters, she had a selfish cold heart. But everyone who lived in the village was happy. So she had to name it The Village of Happiness. One day I decided that it was a good idea to come visit her village because everyone had told me it was the best village possible. I went to my sisters glowing pink castle that all of her villagers had made for her in appreciation for letting them live in her village. I wanted to become friends with these nice villagers. She had a weird holiday called where purple day. I didn’t know about this holiday so I told both of my neighbors to all where there favorite color. When we went out the next day everyone was confused why we weren't wearing purple. Then a strange thing happened. Everyone was confused about everything. my sister was furious with me she cursed the village that never will anyone in this village will understand anything, everyone from this day forward should be confused.” The confuser said the last sentence like it was life right at this moment. She began again with cracks in her voice.” To this day I know run this village” ![]() Milo, Tock and the Humbug were going along the road to Digitoplis. They saw a sign that said to Watchtower. "Ooo ooo that's my home, or were I grew up." Tock said with some enthusiasm. Every one looked up and saw a place that looked like a giant watch but was a tower. "Want to go up?" Milo asked. "Yes please." Tock said with joy. They get up the hill that winds around the watch that ticks and tocks. They kept going until it was getting colder. "This is where you lived!" the Humbug complained looking at Tock who seemed to be very nice and warm with all that fur. All of a sudden the road ended. They were at the peak of the mountain and there was snow everywhere. "Now we knock three times." Tock told them. "We all must do it one at a time and it has to be exactly at 12." Tock instructed. Milo went first for he was he coldest. Then Tock. But the Humbug was reckless and just went in with Tock. The minute the Humbug stepped inside there was a very loud alarm and the lights turned red. Tock and Milo looked at the Humbug. A spring appeared under the humbug and he was springed into the cold snow. "AHHHHH! HE-" The Hubug screamed but was cut off as the door closed. Tocks clock hit 12 and they heard three knocks. The door opened and a very cold Humbug stepped inside. "Iisisisi therrre aaa heeatter?" The Humbug asked freezing and wanting do just go to Digitoplis. "No." Tock answered and walked into another room. In there there were a few other Watchdogs just like Tock. A dog ran up to Tock and said " Tock!' said the Watchdog. "Tick!" Yelled Tock happily. They did they greeted. They talked a minute while Milo and the Humbug just found a bench and sat. After a minute Tick and Tock went over to Milo and the Humbug. " You guys must go. There's a snow storm coming tomorrow and if you don't go you might be stuck here for a week." Tick said to them all. Tock nodded sadly. "Alright then Tick goodbye. " Tock said sadly. They all walked out and got in the car and rode down the road. Milo looked behind him and really studied the watch tower.It was a very big golden watch that was a tower and had a tower top on top. "Strange." Though Milo as they drove a way. ![]() "What's that smell!" questioned the humbug
"It smells like soda" replied Milo. "It very well does" said Tock. Just than, there was a loud thundering. A huge roar! Than they realized that they were in The Mountain of Dew's and Dont's (because it read a sign). There was a huge Explosion! There was fiz every where! There was a quartet! Singing "Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mountains of Dewwwssss, annnnd Dont's!" There was a little man in the corner that was sitting. Tock went over and Milo followed, while the humbug was singing along. "That's a don't" moaned the man "Whats wrong?" Questioned Tock. The little man started to tell a story. How The Mountain Exploded of Do's. But Now it Explodes of Dews. Everyone now does Dont's! ![]() Millo, The Humbug, and Tock were driving away from Dictionopolis and to Digitopolis.The road that they were on split into two and on road was labeled easy way to Conclusions, and one was labeled hard way to Digitopolis. They had a quick debate about which way to go. "I don't want to go to the Island of Conclusions, it was to much of a hassle and we wasted a lot of time stuck on the island." Millo told the group. "I agree with Millo." said Tock. "I think that we should go to the Island of Conclusions again." The Humbug said with a dreamy look in his eyes. "When we went back it didn't make me wet at all and also I want to see Canby again." said the Humbug. Millo started down the hard path to Digitopolis. It was a very nice road for about a minuite and then they started to go down a really bumpy road. They suddenly were in a vast jungle with a very bumpy road filled with rocks and tree roots. There were vines hanging all around them and you could swing from tree to tree all over the place. The trouble was that the trees were hundreds of feet off the ground. "Why is this road so bumpy, and why is it not paved like the other roads?" asked the Humbug. "I guess this road is not used that often but it might be a foot path also." Millo said. "Are you sure we are going the right way?" asked the Humbug. "I am not that sure but
![]() ''Finally were past the sea of knowledge and I can see land. It looks very bright.'' They swam and finally got onto the shore. This isnt any old sand it was pixie stix powder. ''How delicious.'' Tock said taking a big chomp out of the powder. They carried on into the the firm ground which was made out of lots of pop rocks melted together into a firm slab of ground. ''This isn't any old island, This is a candy land that we are stuck on and we dont have our tooth brushes with us. Im gonna hate going to the dentist when I get back to earth." Said Milo. '' Well at least we won't starve to death.'' Said Tock trying to make Milo feel better. They started making there way through the forest and started to observe the trees a little bit and saw the branches and leave were just a freshly created cloud of cotton candy and the vines were made out of super ropes of Licorice. They made theyre way through the jungle and started to climb up the Volcano which was a gummy bottle of coca Cola filled with actually coca cola with mentos around the the part that you wound drink out of. Every time the carbanation got a little to bubbly it would fall in and erupt. Tock saw a raft around the top of the bottle and the both hopped in and waited for something to happen. Then all of a suddent the eruption happened and they were swiftly swept away back in to the sea of Knowledge.