Tock and the humbug were getting upset on which food is better. Hot Dogs or Pizza. Tock said Pizza. Humbug said Hot Dog. As you can tell, Tock probably got very upset by this because he is in fact a dog. So they kept on arguing and arguing.
" How could you want to kill me and eat me." Said Tock.
" How Could you not". Said the Humbug.
" Thats it! Said Tock!. I will not stand here and be threatened to be eaten! I will go somewhere safe now. I am leaving the trip and going back to the doldrums!"
" Noooooo!" Shouted Milo. You can't!
" Well I must, I have had many relatives die because of being killed for making Hot dogs. All I have is a Brother that is not dead. And I will not leave my brother to leave by himself. 95% of watch dogs deaths come from outside the doldrums. And I will not be one of them!" And right then Tock ran away.
" How could you want to kill me and eat me." Said Tock.
" How Could you not". Said the Humbug.
" Thats it! Said Tock!. I will not stand here and be threatened to be eaten! I will go somewhere safe now. I am leaving the trip and going back to the doldrums!"
" Noooooo!" Shouted Milo. You can't!
" Well I must, I have had many relatives die because of being killed for making Hot dogs. All I have is a Brother that is not dead. And I will not leave my brother to leave by himself. 95% of watch dogs deaths come from outside the doldrums. And I will not be one of them!" And right then Tock ran away.