- The Tea Tax affected them the most
- The Quebec act did not affect them as much because it was in Canada
- They did not tolerate the British trying to take their land because they wanted it and did not want to be owned
- The taxes were named after what was being taxed
- They had mixed opinions about breaking free
- Some patriots felt very empowered to break away, but other former loyalists were scared of being hung or decapitated
- Tj wrote the Declaration of Independence because he had the neatest handwriting
- They wanted to have a say about great britain, patriot or loyalists
I got to the 2nd Continental Congress about most of their lives 1776.
They told us about how the acts affected them and which ones did not affect them as much. I learned about how different wars started and their prospective on things. I learned that they got very annoyed about most taxes but like the tea tax they were angry. I even learned why Thomas Jefferson was picked to write the Declaration of Independence and that almost the entire first draft got rejected.
They told us about how the acts affected them and which ones did not affect them as much. I learned about how different wars started and their prospective on things. I learned that they got very annoyed about most taxes but like the tea tax they were angry. I even learned why Thomas Jefferson was picked to write the Declaration of Independence and that almost the entire first draft got rejected.