- The Red Team represented England.
- The Blue Team represented the Continental Army & colonial militias.
- The White Team represented the countries that helped us in the war, like France and Spain.
Create a video answering ALL of the following questions:
- Why was the blue team smaller and have fewer people?
- Why was the red team bigger with more people?
- Why did the white team come into the tug-of-war late?
- Why was the blue team offered a prize if they won, but not the red team?
- Why was one person pulled aside and told they wouldn't receive a prize?
- Why was the white team told to cheer for the blue team?
- Why did half of the red team have to start so far away?
- Why did the red team have to pull the rope so far, while the blue team only had to prevent the red team from doing so?
- In your opinion, was this a good way to learn about the BIG IDEAS in the Revolutionary War? Why or why not?
Insert YOUR video at the top of your blog post entitled, "Revolutionary Tug-of-War."
(Although you can insert this video IN ADDITION to your video!) :)
Reflection/Synthesis Questions: