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Using our United States map, find at least two examples of each of the bodies of water listed on the Science Companion workbook. Complete the following page in your Science Notebook on Science Companion Prime. Take screen shots of your answers and post them on a blog entry entitled, "Watery Earth Lesson 9 - Finding Bodies of Water on Maps."
Using our Illinois map, answer the following questions in your Science Notebook & put screen shots of your answers in the blog entry from above:
Using our Arlington Heights map, answer the following questions in your Science Notebook & put screen shots of your answers in the blog entry from above:
Reflection Questions:
Using our United States map, find at least two examples of each of the bodies of water listed on the Science Companion workbook. Complete the following page in your Science Notebook on Science Companion Prime. Take screen shots of your answers and post them on a blog entry entitled, "Watery Earth Lesson 9 - Finding Bodies of Water on Maps."
Using our Illinois map, answer the following questions in your Science Notebook & put screen shots of your answers in the blog entry from above:
- Do you see any bodies of surface water in your state that you couldn't find on the United States map? If so, list them below.
- Did you find any bodies of surface water on the United States map that you can't find in your state? If so, list them below.
- List the names of three bodies of water in your state. Next to the name, identify the type of body of water (river, lake, marsh, ocean, reservoir, etc.).
Using our Arlington Heights map, answer the following questions in your Science Notebook & put screen shots of your answers in the blog entry from above:
- Do you see any bodies of surface water in your local area that you couldn't find on your state map or the United States map? If so, list them below:
- Did you find any bodies of surface water on your state map or on the United States map that you can't find in your local area? If so, list them below:
- List the names of three bodies of water in your local area. Next to the name, identify the type of body of water (river, lake, marsh, ocean, reservoir, etc.).
Reflection Questions:
- What bodies of surface water did you find while examining the three maps?
- Were there any types of surface water on the Arlington Heights map that you weren’t able to find on the Illinois map? If so, why?
- Were there any types of surface water on the Illinois map that you couldn’t find on the United States map? If so, why?
- What are some names of the bodies of water in Illinois and Arlington Heights? What bodies of water did you identify?