Doing a Give-Me-Five is not that hard but it is not easy either. When you do one you have to make sure that everything that you are saying is true and it makes sense. Also when you do this give-me-five you have to be serious about it because if you are silly the class is going to think it is not that important of a give-me-five when it really is. When you do this you also want to make sure everyone is listening to you and that you are loud and proud(with the exception of video's or talking to an adult). For example, if you went Give-me-five give-me-five really soft the class would not be able to hear you and they would keep talking without even realizing what you are saying. When you do this for the first time you will prabably be a little nervous, but just remember that you are giving feedback to all of your friends/classmates not the whole world. Even if you do not like having people staring at you you should still try and do some give-me-fives.
Doing this give-me-five is really important because if you did not give any feed back to your classmates about how bad or how good we were in the last special no one would care (most likely) about the way you just acted in gym, music, or art. If we did not do this give-me-five this is prabably what would happen, When you walk back in from music, gym, or art and the class was really bad and no one even thought of doing the give-me-five you would go to music the next day or the day after and at the exact same way without even realizing how bad you were and your music teacher has to Email Mr. Solarz about how bad we were And then the whole class would get in trouble. So, you prabably want to remember this give-me-five because other wise everything would turn out to be really bad.
Doing this give-me-five is really important because if you did not give any feed back to your classmates about how bad or how good we were in the last special no one would care (most likely) about the way you just acted in gym, music, or art. If we did not do this give-me-five this is prabably what would happen, When you walk back in from music, gym, or art and the class was really bad and no one even thought of doing the give-me-five you would go to music the next day or the day after and at the exact same way without even realizing how bad you were and your music teacher has to Email Mr. Solarz about how bad we were And then the whole class would get in trouble. So, you prabably want to remember this give-me-five because other wise everything would turn out to be really bad.
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