This give me five power is not the most important one but it is still necessary to our class. At the end of the day during REARJMCL we have recap, evaluate, and announcements. All of these jobs require the person in charge to be able to gain the attention of the class. During recap we often get off task or need reminders about something like "Remember go to your seat and recap is supposed to be silent." or "Mr. Solarz is out of the room so we might want to extra good." These are important because many people don't remember that we are supposed to do something. Also the recapper, the evaluator or the announcer needs to be in charge. If people are off task or not listening they need to make them listen and it is really just to say "Give Me 5, Give Me 5."
If the recapper, the evaluator and/or the announcer didn't do this then the job would be pointless because nobody would listen and nobody would do what they were supposed to do. It is sometimes more effective if, after you say "Give Me 5, Give Me 5." twice that you name names in a polite way like maybe "Give Me 5, Give Me 5." "Give Me 5, Give Me 5." then say give me five Jeremy and JJ
If the recapper, the evaluator and/or the announcer didn't do this then the job would be pointless because nobody would listen and nobody would do what they were supposed to do. It is sometimes more effective if, after you say "Give Me 5, Give Me 5." twice that you name names in a polite way like maybe "Give Me 5, Give Me 5." "Give Me 5, Give Me 5." then say give me five Jeremy and JJ