What do I know?
| What do I want to know?
| How do I find it out?
What I learned
| Actions I will take
| Questions I still want to know
My Reflection
During This Passion Time project I really learned a lot. I was very excited for this round because I was creating a 3-D hand. It took me a while to make one that looked very good because I was always putting the lines so close together but then I made one where the lines were further apart and the final product looked so much better than the others. The picture above is the one that I was very happy about it looked the best with the shading on the sides. I also figured out that I need to erase the trace of my hands to make it look more 3-D. It looks so much better when you shade the edges because it looks more realistic. I am very happy that I didn't stick to the small spaces in between each line because it wouldn't have looked as good. Something that I could've done differently this time is probably trying more new things because I spent so much time just trying to perfect the small spaced lines but it wasn't working and I didn't know that I should do smaller lines until the end. Something I wouldn't have changed is the way I did my last draft because I really liked it and it definitely looked the best, I am very happy with the way it turned out. I decided to do this project because I wanted to try something new and I wanted to try something I thought would be fun. I thought that something like this project would be fun because I love to draw and color and I thought it would be cool because you never know if it will look good. It might look like a 3-D hand or it will just look like a hand on paper so could fail or be successful. I think that my project was pretty successful in the end. It doesn't look that 3-D but it doesn't look like a traced hand either. It is slightly 3-D and I think that I did the best I could and I liked my project's final drawing.