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Daniel Reflection I think that me and Gavin did really well on this project and this project might have been my favorite one yet. I think that we did so well because we didn't just do like 5 different candies we actually did a ton of different candies. If I had to rank myself I think that I would do 8/10 just because we didn't get all the candies but we still go a lot and learned some cool facts. The coolest things that I learned was how much sugar some of the candies actually had. I thought they had a lot like maybe 15 grams but what I learned was candy like Sour Patch Kids have 36 grams of sugar in them. I also learned that some of the gummy candies actually are made with animal remains and they use it to make the gummy bears gummy. The thing that was probably the most fun about doing this project was getting to actually see how much sugar and fat was in the candy because it was just crazy to see. The most difficult thing was probably finding accurate nutrition facts because sometimes it would come up with different candies. The easiest part was probably ranking the candy with then info we had because some were really obvious on how unhealthy they were. Something I would have done differently next time was maybe add a few more candies because I had a lot but I think that maybe I would have been able to add a few more. Some advice that I would give to other people who were doing this project would be to make sure that the nutrition labels are for the right candy because other labels come up that aren't that candy or sometime the companies like Twix or Snickers that also have an ice cream sometimes the ice cream comes up instead. All in all I think that we just did pretty well on this project. | Gavin Reflection I think Daniel and I did really well on our project. W e did really good because we learn a lot of fact about candy and how candy is made. Also we did how is candy rank from their nutritions facts. The cool things that I learned was that some candy had 200 calories and another one had 60 calories. Then some candy have the remaining of other animals like gummy bears. Some candy that uses not just sugar is gum balls they have a little rubber on it to make it chewy. First of all I thought gumballs had a lot of calories and fat but it only had like 60 calorie and 50 fat. To rap it up I think we did our project really good when we did our project on how is candy made and can we rank the candy from least to greatest. |