What do I already KNOW?
It is impossible to break Bedrock
What did I LEARN?
You can see different layers under ground called horizons.
What do I WANT to know?
What ACTION will I take?
By my google docs and video.
HOW will I learn it?
Read books and do a google docs.
What new QUESTIONS do I have?
How did games get invented.
What I learned is the topsoil contains a lot of humus and full of tiny living creatures.Subsoil is made up of humus, rocks and minerals. Cracks and holes, or pores, in the subsoil help water to drain away, preventing the soil from getting wet.Bedrock is the lowest layer, or the rock that lies underneath the soil. Chunks of it sometimes break off into the soil. The most fun was doing the passion time project.The most difficult was the book that I had to find to do this project because most book talk about the world but has nothing about bedrock.the most easies thing to do was the essential question.I could stop copying from the book and put thing in my own words. If you are ever doing a project on soil this are some thing you should know The topsoil contains a lot of humus and full of tiny living creatures.If you ever do a project on soil I have an Idea for youThe topsoil contains a lot of humus and full of tiny living creatures.
Subsoil is made up of humus, rocks and minerals. Cracks and holes, or pores, in the subsoil help water to drain away, preventing the soil from getting wet.
Bedrock is the lowest layer, or the rock that lies underneath the soil. Chunks of it sometimes break off into the soil
Subsoil is made up of humus, rocks and minerals. Cracks and holes, or pores, in the subsoil help water to drain away, preventing the soil from getting wet.
Bedrock is the lowest layer, or the rock that lies underneath the soil. Chunks of it sometimes break off into the soil