What Do I KNOW? There were lots of King Georges. I don't know a lot. What did I LEARN?
| What do I WANT to know? Did all the King Georges have kids? And who was Queen Victoria married to? What ACTION will I take?I will share my blog post with my family. I will also tweet it on twitter and tag Mr.Solarz. And I will post my video on Youtube. | HOW will I learn it? I will learn by watching videos and reading articles. What new QUESTIONS do I have?
I learned a lot about the Royal Family. I really enjoyed working one this project because I know a lot about the Royal Family right now but I used to not know a lot the British Royal Family history. Some things I learned about the history of the Royal Family are that the Royal Family started in 1066. I also learned a whole lot of facts. I'm really happy I chose this topic because now it will help me understand the magazines I have. I had a lot of fun learning about this topic because I am very passionate about the Royal Family. The most difficult part of this project for me was finding all the information I have right now in the time we had. Also the easiest part of this project was writing the page on Queen Victoria. Some advice I would give somebody is that they should use a google slide. And that is my reflection for round one.