What the goal means: This goal is a really good goal to have if you aren't that good at it. There are alway gonna be something that have multiple ways to solve it and some don't. But for the ones that do It is good to take a little bit of time to just think about it and see if there is a different way to solve the problem. It is a good skill to have in life because it might be a better way to do it.
Why is the goal important: This goal is important because it will be helpful in life too. If you take a little bit of time to think about it and see if there is a different way to solve the problem. This will be helpful because you can also be checking your work to make sure that all of the different ways you tried solving it is correct because if it is a math problem and there are different ways to solve the math problem it will also be helpful checking to make sure that all of the ways that I tried are correct.
Why is the goal important: This goal is important because it will be helpful in life too. If you take a little bit of time to think about it and see if there is a different way to solve the problem. This will be helpful because you can also be checking your work to make sure that all of the different ways you tried solving it is correct because if it is a math problem and there are different ways to solve the math problem it will also be helpful checking to make sure that all of the ways that I tried are correct.
Evidence that tells me that I was successful in meeting this goal: Evidence that shows that I have met this goal is is when I am in math or in any other subject I try and figure out and just take a second to think about if there is any other correct way to solve a problem. It would also be helpful to while you are doing that make sure that all of the answers you got you double checked to make sure that they are all correct. I just will make sure that every time I do it I try to figure out different ways. When I am in a group even if other people get a different answer it will be just as good as mine.