Oh man! The Oregon Trail was a very hard way going on this trail for we had to walk on bumpy roads and watch people die along the way! I still won't forget the family that we left behind those people were good folks. Especially for me Akemi Kataoka and my other fellow doctor Ada Mercado. Many people got sick on the trail and we had to cross many rivers and buy many supplies for the people who got sick they are Matilda Faulk who got a blister then crossed a river then got infected but I amputated the foot and put IV in it what a woo woo! for me, and it is doing well actually she got infected by crossing the Kansas River! But there were other girls who got infected by crossing the river like Platte River where we almost lost our wagons and supplies but we made it, but now they are better but there is beauty on the journey and one fellow member named Alexandrine Haberle who fell in love in Fort Laramie and decided to stay. But poor Iskandar Alatas who got the sickness on the family who left because of their illness and we decided to leave him behind for the sake of our train. Did I also mention Kai Bon who was sharpening knives and accidentally cut his pinkie off! The trail is a hard life of negotiating with salesman selling supplies like buying wagons but there is also "snakes" like snake oil salesman who sell you fake medication and losing valuable and loving members but we had to survived on little food and dealing off with buffalo but now we are in a financial situation but it is hard because my fellow doctor and I have to deal with these things. It has been an adventure from landing on a guy with our UFO and getting his money to losing members and exploring different places like Chimney there is beauty and there is darkness let's just hope for the best!
“Oh yes!” Yelled Daisy the bunny rabbit.
Today Daisy was going to her friends house Rachel the Raccoon. They were going to play tennis together. Once Daisy made it to Rachel the Raccoon’s house on her bike she knocked on her door and when Rachel opened it she saw that Rachel had a piece of toilet paper on her shoe. “Ha Ha Ha Ha!” yelled Daisy. “You have toilet paper on your shoe, how embarrassing!” Daisy said. “What do you mean?” “You!” Have toilet paper on your shoe!” “Well it’s not a big deal!” Rachel said. “Uh yeah it is. ha ha ha!”said Daisy. As soon as Daisy said that Rachel ran inside crying. Daisy didn’t know what she did so she just rode away on her bike to her house. Once she made it to her home she saw her mom in the ugliest dress she had ever seen! It was a white blouse with black lines and all the colors mixed in it. “Ugly blouse mom! said Daisy “Well what do you mean darling?” said Daisy’s mom. “I said that your blouse looks like mud! said Daisy. “Well I didn’t know that you felt that way!” said Daisy’s mom. Leaving her there, Daisy’s mom stormed out of the kitchen and into her room Daisy was so confused why everybody was leaving but she just decided to forget about it. So then Daisy decided to go to the park and see if she could meet new friends to play with. As soon as she got there she saw this girl duck and she looked really nice so Daisy went over to ask for her name and she said my name is Emma the Duck. So Emma and Daisy decided to take turns going on this huge swirly slide. When Daisy was climbing back up the ladder under Emma she saw Emma’s huge weird feet. “What are those!” Daisy said. “Why these, these are my feet.” Said Emma. “Really because they look like giant mushy sponges on your body! Daisy said. “No they're not they're just like everybody else's!” Emma replied. “Well I think they look real freaky!” Daisy said. Emma gasped with shock and wobbled away down to the lake where she lived. Daisy then returned home crying and moaning why people won’t play with her and why people are so mad at her and storming away. She saw her dad and told her everything that happened and her dad was in shock and asked if she said that and she replied yes! Daisy’s dad then started to take into action he gave a stern talking to Daisy and said that it’s not nice to say these things to people and if you have something not nice to say don’t say anything at all. Daisy thought for a long time about this and she was lonely and she realized what she had done when she had said all of these things. So she called Rachel and apologized and explained what she had done and hoped for forgiveness so they decided to go biking next week! And the next day Daisy saw Emma at the park again and apologized for what she had done and when she did they both started playing again and Emma forgave her. And when she came home Daisy saw that her mom was not speaking to her so after supper she sat alone with her mom and apologized so deeply and it was so real that Daisy’s mom started crying then hugged her and gave her a billion hugs! And when she asked what changed your mind she told her mom about dad’s lecture and said it is always good to think before you speak.
Credit for the image above goes http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/maps/usmap.html
Thump! Ouch! I look to see where I am as I look up all that I see is dark clouds and my buddies coming with me screaming Thump! Ouch Thump! Ouch! All I could hear is my friends freaking out trying to find out where I am I see that I am on some sort of clear side that is stuck onto somewhat to be a square block with people inside. I ask everybody what is going on and one of them yells “we just Precipitated”! What? Everybody yells he said precipitation is when water or rain falls down. How would you know we ask? I remember watching this on some sort of square moving pictures box that explained this! All of a sudden I start moving were moving! were moving! I yelled. All of a sudden I feel like I’m floating! As I look around I see my other buddies laughing and having fun and I ask my friend who said that we were doing Precipitation he now said were accumulating which is called Accumulation. Well I like it! I said as i was floating and moving around. It seems to be that we are in a La -ke a lake! He said. All of a sudden there was this huge push and bam! everything is black.
As I wake up i see light oh beautiful light! And all of my friends are cheering too that we see light! Then all of a sudden were moving in the air and sticking next to each other then I hear my friend again say were evaporating which is called Evaporation! Hey Joe! Hey Bob! Then I see Stacy and Nicole plop right next to me and not go away then my professor friend said were a molecule now called H2O. H2O what the heck is that kind of name? And as were all going home we decided to have a party for getting back home! All of a sudden m professor Mr. Smarty pants friend said this was called condensation as I hear the music pumping. As our place is getting crowded we are all falling off Mike! Joe! No! Al of a sudden were all falling again and it’s dark again and my friend yelled out this is call Precipitation. Then after all of this happened I see a black running two legged creature singing and he’s heading straight for me Oh no! He’s sweating!
Science Fair Presentation - First Draft
Science Fair Presentation - Improved Version
It was so fun bonding with my buddy! The whole time people who would walk by would always say you two look so much alike! With our glasses and everything! My buddy was so sweet and nice! She talked a lot about our favorite things. And we also played the that's me and that's not me game! She was always smiling and we started drawing our favorite things! My kid was so funny and sweet and when it was over I asked her if she had fun but I was still not sure so then out of nowhere she came up to me and came up to me and hugged me and gave me a super big squeeze, right then and there I knew that she had an awesome super duper time! Maybe next time I should do differently that when we meet Mrs, Arce's class I should talk more and try to be funny and try to be cool too!
May 2015
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Categories |