What the goal means: It means to try your very hardest when you are writing. Like if you were writing a paper for your boss at work and you didn't feel like typing it all out so you used voice type or something along the lines of that, and lets say that it doesn't pick up what you wanted to say and then you send it to your boss. Your boss might start to think that you might not care enough about your job and then they might think differently about you. So you need to ALWAYS try your hardest when you write something or you type something. You never know how somebody will react to your paper. |
Why the goal is important: This is important because if you spell something wrong or use the incorrect grammar for some things you might be thought of differently or you might spell something wrong and people might get the wrong idea or become very confused, so its important to try and give it your all when you write!
How we will know if we were successful in meeting our goal:
- If you start to get compliments on your writing
- You don't get any red lines under your words
- You at least know that you tried your hardest when you write
- You know to double check your work if you need to use voice spell!