What the goal means: We had this goal because we were having to much side conversations at times when Mr. Solarz was talking. So, I believe that this goal means that we should restrict our side conversations to an absolute zero. I also think that this goal means that we should listen to the speaker and direct our full attention at the person who is talking. |
Why the goal is important: This goal is important because you should direct your attention to the speaker to gain the full extent of their words and to process them to carry out their directions. For example Mr. Solarz gives a give-me-5 and people start talking. That is disrespectful, this is another reason why you should not have side conversations when others are talking. What was supposed happen was, Mr. Solarz gives a give-me-five and he gives his announcement(while no one is speaking). Having no side conversations also promotes successful give-me-fives
How we will know if we were successful in meeting our goal:
- Have give-me-fives without side conversations
- Have REARJMCL without any conversations happening
- During important announcements have no side conversations