- 60 are from Asia
- 15 are from Africa
- 11 are from South America
- 5 are from Canada and the United States
- 1 from oceania
- 21 speak a Chinese dialect of the people
- 16 speak Mandarin
- One-Fifth of the world 9 years old
- 9 are under 5
- 10 are 5 and 9
- 18 are between 10 and 19
- 17 are between 20 and 29
- 15 are between 30 and 39
- 12 are between 40 and 49
- the village is growing larger and larger
- different callings start the day
- 33 are Christian
- 22 are Muslim
- 15 are non-religious or atheist
- 14 are Hindus
- 9 practice shamanism, animism and other folk religions
- 5 are buddhists
- 2 belong to other global religions such as Judaism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Jainism or Baha'i faith
- 31 sheep and goats
- 23 cows, bulls and oxen
- 15 pigs
- 3 camels
- 2 horses
- 700 chickens-There are seven times as much chickens than people in the global village
- 30 people in the village do not have a reliable source of food and are hungry some or all the time
- 17 people are severely undernourished and always hungry
- 47 of the people in the village do not have food security the they cannot always rely on a source of food
- 53 people in the village are food secure they haver enough food to survive
- 87 have access to safe water
- 13 do not have safe water
- 62 have access to adequate sanitation
- 38 do not have a sanitary places to put their waste
- 68 of people breath clean air
- 32 has air quality that is unhealthily
- some children have no school because they have to work
- 36 5 to 24 but only 30 of them go to school and 6 of them work 3 work in house and 3 are either child soldiers
- 63 adults have jobs and 52 are working
- if the world divided the worlds money equally every one would $10,300
- 50 radios
- 76 have electricity
- 24 do not
- wood used to be the main source of energy
- 17 percent have nuclear power plants
- 73 percent of the village's energy comes from fossil fuels
- in 1850 a newborn only was expected to live to 38 by 1900 they were expected to live to 47 and today expected to live to 68
- 41 people live in areas with malaria
- 6 people catch malaria
- 80 people received vaccination
- 1000 B.C.E 1 person lived in the village
- The year 2150 their will be 250 people in the village 250 is the maximum number
- Their will not be enough food and shelter for all the 250 people
I learned a lot during this lesson and when ever a percentage of something came up I was surprised of what it was like for example 6% of the world catch malaria a year! That is crazy and another thing was 30 people in the village do not have a reliable source of food and are hungry some or all the time that's insane. Now those were somethings that surprised me. I wish the world was never like this I just wish we all were even and that we all got the same amount of this so we can all live the life we deserve.
Credit for picture at http://sfmagazine.com/post-entry/january-2016-how-to-achieve-work-life-harmony