K I know the Tyrannosaurus (Or the T-Rex.) is very strong. The Triceratops can block a T-Rex so that might be something. L I learned facts about 10 dinosaurs. I learned some things about other dinosaurs that weren't even on the list. | W I wan to know the top ten dinosaurs and there features. So like how they hunt or if they don't hunt and there herbivores. A I will add more to my website and keep loving dinos. Ill keep learning from books as well as other sources. | H I will read, research and watch videos.. While researching I will add facts on my website. Q I still have the questions about the dinosaurs I researched. Also the all the other dinosaurs. |
The most fun was to make the website because it was 10 dinosuars with there facts. The hardest thing was picking the top 10 because there's SO many dinosaurs. Hundreds so to pick 10 is hard. For advice I would say to listen to some other peoples decisions. It helps. Then you can see what other people think with yours. Something that was pretty easy Id say was to put facts for the dinos. I looked in a book or on a website and the facts were there. I saw them and then I would say them and put them into my words in my website.