K- What I know: 1. The basic rules of basketball. 2. Basketball Impacts My life in many ways. 3. Basketball is a team sport. 4. Basketball is a sport to get active in. | W- What do I want to know 1. What big differences basketball has the sport made since now to the very beginning. 2. What My partner thinks about basketball. 3. How the rules of basketball have changed. |
H- How I will find my information 1. From myself (about my passion of the sport) 2. Online (for how basketball has changed) 3. Videos from NBA players (their opinions on basketball) | L- What did I learn 1. I learned how basketball significantly changed over the years. 2. What my partners opinion on basketball is. 3. What NBA players feel about basketball. |
A- What actions will I take 1. I will tell my family+Friends about what I learned. 2. I will continue to work on my website and show many my website. 3. I will show my trello to my family and show them what I accomplished. | Q- What questions do I have 1. What do others think about basketball? 2. How can I make people visit our website? 3. What do WNBA (womens) think about basketball. |